Look What the Lord Is Doing!

God has orchestrated a major shift — from our old quarters in Georgia to a new home He has prepared for us in Charlotte, North Carolina. As we move, He has promised accelerated growth and ministry opportunities beyond our imagination.

International Equipping and Mentoring Center

Two Studios and Room for a Third
God has spoken clearly to me that our new building will be far more than just a headquarters; it will be an International Equipping and Mentoring Center! It will be a place to better serve our Mishpochah (family) with an Intercessory Prayer Room, resource tools, and life-changing radio and TV programs. This new facility already has TWO state-of-the-art TV studios and room for a third studio.

Take a Video Tour!
Above right is a brief video tour of the new International Equipping and Mentoring Center and below is a link to view a slideshow from our building dedication and 35th Anniversary Celebration.

Partner With Me
You and I have a destiny to help usher in God’s next move, His next revival for both Jews and Gentiles through all forms of media. I invite you to become part of fulfilling this end-time destiny.

I am walking in the greatest favor of God I’ve ever experienced. Why? Because we are poised to help bring in the next move, the greatest move, and perhaps the last move of God’s Spirit on planet earth. When you participate with our ministry you come under this supernatural favor.

Catch God’s heart and watch His favor increase in your life! 

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35th Anniversary Celebration Photo Gallery

These are pictures taken during our building dedication and 35th Anniversary Celebration.

  • Please Partner With Me

    Join me as we help usher in the next move of God's Spirit.

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