Wildfires & Fire Starter Kit (Digital Download) by Jessi Green; Code: 9757D
By Jessi Green
Jessi Green thought she’d be preaching to the seagulls…when God showed up.
From the messy, blunt, transparent pages of Wildfires, Jessi Green invites you into a Christian life that you may have never been told is real.
In her new book, Jessi shares the Christianity that no one had ever showed her — complete with a real Jesus and a life full of miracles and supernatural encounters. It led to the beaches of California and a powerful outbreak of revival.

Jessi learned that Jesus is both willing and able to outshine the false promises of culture and patchy new-age philosophy—and He is more than willing to share His vision for your city, California and whole nations.
Jessi’s secret? She just wants to share the Jesus she knows and the relationship waiting to be discovered.
For believers, your role is to show up, and show love. That’s how Jessi learned what it means to be fully ALIVE. Where to start? Jessi’s 3-CD/audio series, Fire Starter, will help!
Jessi says the Jesus she knows wants your whole family saved, healed and free!
Jessi Green is a revivalist, missionary, director of Saturate OC and co-lead pastor of Salt Churches alongside her husband Parker. She is passionate about what it means to follow a Jesus that is ALIVE and reaching those that don’t know Jesus.