The Second Coming of Lazarus (Digital Download) by Ryan Bruss; Code: 9714D
By Ryan Bruss
You’re dangerous when you love.
The resurrection of Lazarus caused many Jews to believe on Jesus. It’s that same potential in you that satan sees when he looks at you. And he doesn’t like it.
So, Lazarus, what do you see when you look in the mirror? 2021 is staring back at you as we speak, bigger than life. The year 2021 holds unspoken potential for you as you go through each week.
What does that look like? How do you move forward with new resolutions and good intentions? Ryan Bruss says…one act of love at a time.
Start with your family. Think small and live it. Ryan also says the reality is that Jesus is coming back for a kingdom of Lazaruses. You’re it. You’re dangerous when you love.
Ryan has strong encouragement to help you—his new book, Killing Lazarus, and his 3-part audio series, How to Drive the Enemy Meshuga (Crazy). Heaven cheers at every intentional act of love. 2021 is a great time to start!
Ryan Bruss founded Revive International to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations. Ryan has a passion for revival (he worked with Steve Hill) and the Father heart of God. Closer to home, he pastors Antioch Community Church in Charlotte, NC. Ryan and his wife Megan have been married for 21 years. They have two wonderful kids, Elianna and Andrew.