Raising Powerful Children & Moments with Jesus Encounter Bible (Digital Download) by Amy Gagnon, Eugene Luning; Code: 9793D
By Amy Gagnon, Eugene Luning
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” – Jesus
Children’s ministry as “babysitting” misses the mark! But Amy Gagnon learned children can easily make authentic connections with Jesus, and He is ready to help!
Amy is Bethel Church’s children’s minister, and in Raising Powerful Children, she explores what it means to train kids in the “way they should go” and how to establish a Kingdom culture early in life.
Amy helps parents and teachers to start now. A child’s Kingdom identity starts with you!
Raising Powerful Children is meant for home and ministry settings because you need both. And Amy says you’ll easily see how to…

• Help kids establish their prayer lives and encounter God
• Encourage interactive worship
• Initiate a love relationship with the Bible
• Encourage kids to declare truth over circumstances
• Even train children about the prophetic and how to minister healing
If you believe your children are children of the King, they need to know it and hear it from you! Amy’s offer includes Moments with Jesus: Encounter Bible by Eugene Luning.
Amy Gagnon says spiritually healthy families begin at home. Amy is director of the vibrant and powerful children’s ministry of Bethel Church, Redding CA, where she resides with her husband, Jeremy, and four daughters.