Isaiah 53 Explained, The Gospel in the Passover & God’s Mandate (2 Books & CD/Audio) by Dr. Mitch Glaser; Code: 10010
By Dr. Mitch Glaser
Could this passage contain the missing key?
Discover the powerful message of Isaiah 53 and its life-changing potential in Isaiah 53 Explained by Dr. Mitch Glaser. This book will introduce you to a pivotal chapter in Scripture that will help shape your expectations of the Messiah and who He is; many call Him “the greatest Jew who ever lived.” Learn how this timeless passage will change your life, especially your connection with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!

Discover the powerful connection between these three events…
Explore the rich traditions of the Biblical Feast of Passover. Uncover the connection between Passover, the Last Supper, and Communion in The Gospel in the Passover.
Restore peaceful relationships God’s Way!
Dr. Mitch Glaser, raised in a traditional Jewish home, understands the challenges of considering Jesus as the Messiah. From the covenant of Abraham to present-day Israel, he discusses the importance of healing Jewish-Christian relations. Learn how sharing the Messiah’s love can restore peaceful relationships as God intended!