The Incomplete Church (Book) by Sid Roth with Interview CD, Code: 9063
The Body of Messiah is complete only when Jews and Christians converge.
Christianity today is very different from the original. To experience the original–the miracles, healings, power, and intimacy with God–we have to examine our Jewish roots. For nearly 2,000 years, there has been a separation between Judaism and Christianity resulting in a lack of miracle power and intimacy with God.
“The Incomplete Church” explores what was stolen by the deceiver in both religions and reveals what will happen when the truth in both converges.
“And wherever the double [Jew and Gentile] river shall go, every living creature which swarms shall live. And there shall be a very great number of fish [revival]…” (Ezekiel 47:9).
What is at stake in this convergence of Jew and Gentile? The salvation of the world. Jesus summarized God’s winning strategy in that, “they [Jew and Gentile] all may be one…that the world may believe…” (John 17:21).
Soft Cover. 173 pages.
Also included is the CD of Sid Roth’s radio interview with Michael Galiga (DD1682).
(“The Incomplete Church” is the updated version of Sid Roth’s book, “The Race to Save the World.”)
Sid Roth has a passion for people to experience the power of God for the purpose of having intimacy with Him. He has spent 35 years as a pioneer in Jewish evangelism, planting Messianic Jewish congregations and investigating the supernatural of God. His television program, “It’s Supernatural!” documents miracles and is viewed internationally. He is now pioneering the next move of God called “One New Man.”