Healing Rivers (Digital Download) by Janie DuVall & Sid Roth; Code: J3823D
By Janie DuVall & Sid Roth
I have studied supernatural healing for over 35 years. Now I want to impart to you God’s Healing River! If you or someone you know needs an emotional or
physical healing, this audio, Healing Rivers, is for you! – Sid
Healing Rivers is an anointed soaking audio where Sid shares Healing Scriptures and teaches you how to receive your healing. You will be able to make declarations to receive your healing. Many who have heard this have been physically and emotionally healed and delivered from the demonic. Many have been set free from burdens. This is going to cause you to believe God’s Word with all your heart 100% and solidify your faith for healing like nothing you’ve ever done before!