Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan & Releasing the Glory (Digital Download) by Kathy DeGraw; Code: 9835D
By Kathy DeGraw
Casting out demons can be a controversial subject among believers, but it was a regular part of Jesus’ ministry. The captives of his day needed to be set free!
Kathy DeGraw learned that powers of darkness haven’t changed at all. And she says too many believers regularly deal with demonic torment and oppression—in private—with little or no support from family. That needs to change!
Kathy’s new book, Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan, takes on spirits of oppression and tormenting spirits in an easy-to-follow guide. Whether we call it spiritual warfare or some other name, Kathy says non-action is just a blank check for spirits with bad intentions.
Kathy learned Holy Spirit readily gives you discernment to:

• Recognize key signs of demonic torment
• Recognize different kinds—from generational curses to offense and unforgiveness
• Identify tactics: when one goes, others may look for opportunities to sow confusion
• Protect your soul—the realm that demons target
• Walk in self-deliverance AND help others—act!
Kathy knew nothing about spiritual battles…you are just as qualified.
Kathy’s 4-part audio series, Releasing the Glory, is a blueprint every believer can follow! Kathy had no prior experience when accidents, paranormal activity, witchcraft and the spirit of death visited her family.
Desperate, Kathy spent two years prostrate before God seeking answers. Out of her Glory encounters before the Throne, she found transformation and the peace her family needed. Kathy’s lessons have been tested and proven for you!
Kathy DeGraw releases the love and power of God in helping others find deliverance. She loves to bring people out of spiritual bondage. In Kathy’s meetings, the glory of God appears and people are supernaturally healed and delivered.