Anointed for Glory & Defining God’s Glory (Book & 3-CD/Audio Series) by Tommy Evans; Code: 9928
By Tommy Evans
Experiencing the supernatural of God
With Tommy’s Anointed for Glory book, you will realize that you were created to experience the supernatural of God and be a part of the greatest ever move of God as his glory is released into everyday life. Be bold in asking God for your divine impartation to be a carrier of his glory and operate in miracles, signs and wonders. Discern the critical difference between being anointed by God versus operating from inside the glory realm. Position yourself and partner with God through prayer and intimacy to access and release God’s glory everywhere you go. Learn to work with the countless angels who are ushering in God’s glory, transform your life and the lives of others as healings and miracles are released when you operate from the glory!

Unlocking the fullness of God’s glory
Do you desire the power of God to chase after you? Do you want to know the secret to unlocking the fullness of God’s glory in your life? When you get Tommy’s brand-new exclusive three-part audio series, Defining God’s Glory, you will get revelation on what God’s glory is and what it’s not. Understand that the fire of the Holy Spirit unlocks the supernatural presence of God in your life. Find out how to keep God’s fire burning bright every day on the altar of your heart. Learn to discern and partner with God’s angels who are like flames of fire. Learn about two different kinds of God’s glory as you experience the Kavod glory that can be felt and the Shekinah glory that can be seen and so much more.