Sid Roth on The 700 Club and The 700 Club Interactive


Sid’s recent appearances on The 700 Club and The 700 Club Interactive were over-the-top powerful!

The 700 Club

On The 700 Club, Sid highlighted the historic Jewish outreaches he has been blessed to be a part of. At the close of the show, Pat Robertson, a founder of Middle East Television (METV), prayed a blessing over Sid, Israel, METV and you at home!

Below you can watch Sid’s interview on The 700 Club from October 19, 2016.

The 700 Club Interactive

During The 700 Club Interactive with Gordon Robertson, Sid gave words of knowledge and shared a prophetic vision for Israel, America & the world!

Below you can watch Sid’s interview on The 700 Club Interactive from October 20, 2016.