Messianic Vision Radio
Loretta Blasingame, 3/10-16/08 (CD, code: DD1582)
When Loretta Blasingame was just 13 years old, Jesus walked into her bedroom and called her to preach…
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Lydia Stanley, 6/20-24/11 (CD of radio interview), code: DD1753)
Lydia Stanley was hand picked by God to lead worship and she will teach you how your home and even your physical body can be so filled with God’s Glory!
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Mahesh Chavda, 2/7-11/11 (CD of radio interview), code: DD1734)
Learn the keys to move into the Glory Realm where breakthroughs, healing, signs and wonders are normal. Get ready to receive supernatural wisdom to hear God’s voice like never before!
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Marc Lawson, 11/3-7/08 (CD, code: DD1616)
Is it the end of church as we know it? Marc Lawson believes that churches must turn back to the Book of Acts and rebuild God’s Kingdom on the foundation of Jesus.
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Marilyn Hickey 12/17-21/12 (CD of radio interview), code: DD1831)
Marilyn Hickey is the first woman in 1400 years to go into a mosque, proclaim Jesus and see miracles take place. She says anything she can do you can do better.
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Mark Virkler, 3/19-23/12 (CD of radio interview), code: DD1792)
Mark Virkler shares, “Finally everyone one of us can have a dream every week and hear from God! No more meaningless pizza dreams.” He guarantees you’re finally going to understand the symbolism!
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Mark Virkler, 6/21-25/10 (CD of radio interview), code: DD1701)
After 20 years of ministry, Mark Virkler finally experienced complete emotional and spiritual transformation. Mark discovered seven supernatural prayers that remove the legal right of the demonic and usher in healing for the spirit, soul, and body.
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Mark Virkler, 8/15-19/11 (CD of radio interview), code: DD1761)
Mark Virkler shares, “Finally everyone one of us can have a dream every week and hear from God! No more meaningless pizza dreams.” He guarantees you’re finally going to understand the symbolism!
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Mark Virkler, 8/31-9/04/09 (CD of radio interview), code: DD1659
Do you struggle to hear God’s voice clearly? Then don’t miss this special interview! Dr. Mark Virkler has taught thousands to hear the voice of God. You can too! (CD of radio interview.)
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Mary Nahas, 3/24-28/08 (CD, code: DD1584)
Mary Nahas shares how God used her father, a private in the U.S. Army, to liberate the concentration camps in Germany at the end of WWII.
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Matt Sorger, 7/14-18/08 (CD, code: DD1600)
Matt Sorger is a prophetic revivalist who travels throughout America and the nations bringing a fresh word and a fresh impartation of God’s Spirit.
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Matt Sorger, 9/12-16/11 (CD of radio interview), code: DD1765)
An angel of God visited Matt Sorger three nights in a row and showed him how to pull your future into the NOW. This means NO MORE WAITING!
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Maurice Sklar, 4/6-10/09 (CD, code: DD1638)
This special CD is offered exclusively through It’s Supernatural!, and is a compilation of Maurice Sklar’s very best Jewish music and Christian music.
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Mel Bond, 2/28-3/4/11 (CD of radio interview), code: DD1737)
Mel Bond sees into the supernatural realm, even discerning demons on people. When he prays, demons leave and people are physically healed. Mel wants to help you receive your healing and equip you to operate in the supernatural of God in the area of discerning of spirits.
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Melanie Hemry & Gina Lynnes, 4/27-5/02/09 (CD, code: DD1641)
Melanie Hemry and Gina Lynnes share personal experiences and researched testimonies of people miraculously healed by a powerful God who still works in our lives today.
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Michael Brown, 8/18-22/08 (CD of broadcast interview), code: DD1605)
Dr. Michael Brown provides answers to the most common questions Christians have about Jewish people. (CD of radio broadcast interview with Sid Roth.)
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Michael Galiga, 2/01-05/10 (CD of radio interview), code: DD1681)
Michael has received supernatural revelation on how anyone, whether a corporation or single individual, can live a life of victory and success. Listen to this special interview as Michael gives you keys to begin living a life of victory today!
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Michael Galiga, 2/08-12/10 (CD of radio interview), code: DD1682)
Sid Roth interviews special guest Michael Galiga on the Biblical concept of the One New Man. If you desire to experience the miracles, healings, power, and intimacy with God that the first Jewish believers in Messiah experienced, you must understand this concept.
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Michael Kaylor, 7/4-8/11 (CD of radio interview), code: DD1755)
Michael Kaylor had a visitation from God. He now sees Angels wherever he ministers. These Angels are even bringing brand new human body parts on platters and many people are experiencing creative miracle healings!
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Michelle and Jordan Cook, 9/15-19/08 (CD of broadcast interview), code: DD1609
Jordan Cook is an 8-year-old artist with an extraordinary gift of expression. Jordan has been painting since the age of two and says that she “paints with Jesus” by using the “eyes of her heart.” (CD of broadcast interview.)
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