Messianic Vision Radio
Robert Gay, 10/7-11/13 CD of It’s Supernatural! interview, code: DD1873)
Robert Gay had a revelation from God about the coming great outpouring of miracles about to invade planet Earth. This could be the last and greatest outpouring before Jesus returns. You don’t want to miss what Robert shares.
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Bruce Malone, 9/23-27/13 (CD of It’s Supernatural! interview, code: DD1871)
Bruce Malone has a passion to rescue young people caught in the lies of the school system to undermine the validity of the Bible. He has absolute scientific proof that evolution is NOT scientific!
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Julie True, 9/30/13 – 10/4/13 (CD of It’s Supernatural! interview, code: DD1872)
Get your pillow and find a comfortable place as Sid Roth and Julie True lead you in experiencing the Presence of God through the lost art of soaking prayer & worship.
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Erick Stakelbeck, 9/16-20/13 (CD of It’s Supernatural! interview, code: DD1870)
Secret papers show the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan to destroy America and Europe. Counter-terrorism expert Erick Stakelbeck asks why they’re frequent guests of the White House. He says America needs to wake up now to the enemy within.
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Tom Horn & Cris Putnam, 9/14-20/15 (CD of radio interview, Code: DD1974)
After Tom Horn and Cris Putnam publicly proclaimed Pope Benedict would resign, The Vatican asked how they knew in advance. God told them. Now they’ve gotten a download on what is shortly going to happen…in the Middle East.
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Tom Horn, 9/9-13/13 (CD of radio interview), code: DD1869
Have you ever noticed the eye and the pyramid on the U.S. dollar bill? What does the Latin phrase mean? Tom Horn presents evidence that these are “codes” and symbols of high-level Freemasons, and their purpose is to evoke and welcome the coming of the Anti-Christ.
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Dr. Sandra Kennedy, 9/2-6/13 (CD of radio interview), code: DD1868
Sandra Kennedy had half her upper lip torn off accidentally by her dog. The doctor said she would never look or talk normal again. Yet God healed her! Are such miracles available for everyone? The answer is yes.
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David Martin, 8/26-30/13 (CD of radio interview), code: DD1867
David Martin shares a supernatural impartation and powerful keys from God to do the same works that Jesus did! Just listen and receive.
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Roy Fields, 8/19-23/13 (CD of radio interview), code: DD1866
Psalmist Roy Fields says, “I feel the pleasure of God when I worship Him.” Find out what he means. It will move you into a fresh hunger for God and His Presence.
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Peggy Joyce Ruth, 8/2-6/10 (CD of radio interview), code: DD1707)
Peggy Joyce Ruth heard the audible voice of God in a dream giving her the key to walking in divine protection 24/7. This week Peggy shares how you can walk in that supernatural protection too.
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Shane Warren 6/25-29/12 (CD of radio interview), code: DD1806)
We are seeing Bible prophecy fulfilled everyday on TV newscasts and in our newspapers! Wars & rumors of wars. The shaking of the global economy. The threat of Muslim extremism. Find the outpouring of God’s blessing in your life as America comes under judgment. Don’t be SURPRISED this comes before the Rapture. Learn how to thrive even in trying times!
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Jim Richards, 4/16-20/12 (CD of radio interview), code: DD1796)
Dr. Jim Richards is going to teach you how to activate every promise in God’s Word. You can and must do it for yourself. Watch how it changes YOUR world!
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Michael Brown, 9/28-10/2/09 (CD of radio interview), code: DD1663
Plagued with pseudo arthrosis for nineteen and one-half years, Delores Winder’s body was shutting down and preparing for death…
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Graeme Walsh, 8/27-31/12 (CD of radio interview), code: DD1815)
Graeme Walsh shares that few recognize their enemy when several generations have sickness, divorce and even poverty running down their family line. He urges you to close the door on generational curses AND he tells how.
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Kolyah, 3/17-21/08 (CD, code: DD1583)
Kolyah moves in the prophetic gift and has had supernatural experiences in Israel.
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Jean Krisle Blasi, 9/29-10/3/08 (CD of broadcast interview), code: DD1611
After experiencing the death and loss of two sets of parents, all her brothers and sisters, and her first daughter, Jean Krisle Blasi was consumed with fear. She concluded that God did not love her as much as He loved others. But then she encountered the supernatural love of God, erasing all her pain, grief, fear and rejection. Now Jean travels the world sharing this same supernatural love through signs, wonders, and miracles. (CD of radio broadcast interview with Sid Roth.)
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John Kilpatrick, 6/8-12/09 (CD, code: DD1647)
In 2008, God gave proven prophetic pastor John Kilpatrick a supernatural dream of a powerful earthquake hitting the middle of the United States. Then God told him, “A storm is coming!” A financial and natural catastrophe! Be sure not to miss this interview as John advises you and your loved ones on what to expect in the near future and how to prepare for the coming crisis!
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Ruth Fazal, 8/1-5/11 (CD of radio interview), code: DD1759)
Ruth Fazal was actually handed a violin bow from Jesus. Now when she plays her violin, people are physically, emotionally and spiritually healed.
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John Benefiel 11/26-30/12 (CD of radio interview), code: DD1828)
John Benefield reveals there are demonic forces in the invisible entrenched in your city, your state and even the nation. Learn how to identify and get rid of them. Open heavens are ahead!
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Evangeline Weiner, 5/18-22/09 (CD, code: DD1644)
Evangeline Weiner has experienced the supernatural power of God from a very young age seeing many people healed from all types of disease. It is now Evangeline’s desire to see her generation sold out to God and walking in this same power and authority.
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