DVD Offers
Tony Kemp, 12/10-16/12 (DVD of It’s Supernatural! interview, code: DVD682)
Tony Kemp shares the real power of TRUE GRACE in Jesus and its blessings — he also exposes its counterfeit!
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Tony Kemp, 8/16-22/10 (DVD of It’s Supernatural! interview, code: DVD565)
In 26 years of ministry Tony Kemp saw fewer than 10 people healed, until he received the keys to the miraculous right from Jesus in heaven! Now he sees the deaf hear, metal rods become bone, new kidneys manifested and so much more! Watch and find out how you too can receive your healing from the heavenly realm.
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Tony Kemp, 8/2-8/10 (DVD of It’s Supernatural! interview, code: DVD563)
Tony Kemp has an amazing miracle ministry, seeing people healed from all types of sickness and disease, including cancer, diabetes, missing body parts, and supernatural weight loss. This week Tony discusses how the supernatural act of worship can release these same types of miracles in your life!
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Walid Shoebat 4/11-17/11 (DVD of It’s Supernatural! interview, code: DVD598)
Walid Shoebat, a former Muslim Terrorist, says seven nations will rise up to destroy the Anti-Christ. Will America be one of those nations? Get ready to hear a prophetic wake-up call for America and the world!
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Walid Shoebat 7/16-22/12 (DVD of It’s Supernatural! interview, code: DVD661)
There is a conspiracy of silence by the news media concerning the dangerous results concerning the recent election in Egypt. Walid Shoebat received a revelation of the End Times that is a major paradigm shift from what most bible scholars teach. Now he wants to share this with you!
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Warren Marcus, 10/1-7/12 (DVD of It’s Supernatural! interview, code: DVD672)
How would you have liked to been around 2,000 years ago on the Day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit fell? How about some of the great revivals in church history like “The Great Awakening,” Azusa Street, and “The Welsh Revival”? Jewish filmmaker Warren Marcus spent 8 years filming the three greatest revivals of North America. And when he shows what he filmed revival begins to stir and people are dramatically transformed by the supernatural power of God.
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A. and J. Ryab #1, 6/4-10/07 (DVD of It’s Supernatural! interview, code: DVD421)
A. Ryab’s testimony, quantum physics and the power of the spoken word.
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Wesley & Stacey Campbell, 7/6-12/09 (DVD of It’s Supernatural! interview, code: DVD514)
After several supernatural encounters, Wesley and Stacey Campbell rediscovered the ancient Jewish method of praying the Bible. Now they have been launched into a worldwide ministry of prayer, healing and prophecy, and have prophesied to over 25,000 people. Tune in this week, as Stacey and Wesley teach how you can pray the Bible and expect supernatural results!
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A. and J. Ryab #2, 6/11-17/07 (DVD of It’s Supernatural! interview, code: DVD422)
A. Ryab’s life, marriage and ministry were transformed through a supernatural encounter with the love of Father God. Show 2 of 2.
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A.J. Jones, 2/20-26/12 (DVD of It’s Supernatural! interview, code: DVD640)
A.J. Jones suffered from severe asthma and was suicidal until she experienced the supernatural love of God! Now she walks daily in the supernatural and says nothing is impossible for God.
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Alyosha & Jody Ryabinov, 12/28/09-01/03/10 (DVD of It’s Supernatural! interview, code: DVD533)
Alyosha is a world-class concert pianist whom God has miraculously anointed to minister complete healing through his music. As he worships, people feel the tangible presence and love of the Father. The last time we interviewed Alyosha and his wife Jody, people were healed of blind eyes, arthritis, thyroid disease, depression, fear, and more!
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Ana Mendez Ferrell, 8/20-26/07 (DVD of It’s Supernatural! interview, code: DVD430)
Ana Mendez Ferrell offers fresh insights into the power and benefits available in communion.
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Andre Ashby, 7/13-19/09 (DVD of It’s Supernatural! interview, code: DVD515)
Andre Ashby is a prophetic psalmist, and as he worships many feel and experience the tangible presence of God. Tune in this week to hear some of Andre’s anointed music from his new release, “Before the Throne.” As you listen to Andre’s story and music, prepare to experience the very heart of God.
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Andrew Moyo, 6/16-22/08 (DVD of It’s Supernatural! interview, code: DVD466)
Dr. Andrew Moyo was in the forefront of the revival in Uganda. Now he wants to empower you to do the works of God!
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Art Mathias, 11/9-15/09 (DVD of It’s Supernatural! interview, code: DVD529)
After being healed of Environmental Illness, Art Mathias began teaching others how to identify the root causes of sickness and disease. Art has now seen many types of sickness and disease healed including weight gain, cancer, heart problems, diabetes, allergies, asthma, mental illness, and many more!
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Barbie Breathitt, 8/11-17/08 (DVD of It’s Supernatural! interview, code: DVD472)
Barbie Breathitt is a professional dream interpreter with many supernatural testimonies proving her incredible ability. She has traveled the world interpreting dreams, and is also widely known for operating in the gifts of healing and miracles. In this interview, Barbie discusses how you can interpret your own dreams.
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Becky Fischer, 11/10-16/08 (DVD of It’s Supernatural! interview, code: DVD484)
Becky Fischer stirs the hearts of parents and churches to re-evaluate and redefine what true, disciple-making children’s ministry really is.
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Ben Godwin, 3/30-4/05/09 (DVD of It’s Supernatural! interview, code: DVD502)
At age seven Ben Godwin was struck by a car, dislodging three inches of bone from his left leg. According to medical opinion, Ben would need bone graft surgery and was predicted to have a permanently crippled leg. But God intervened and the bone was restored by a creative miracle. Learn how you can receive a creative miracle too!
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Bill and Annette Wiese 3/7-13/11 (DVD of It’s Supernatural! interview, code: DVD593)
Is there a literal hell? If so, what is it like? How can we avoid going there? Bill Wiese was chosen by God to visit hell and share his experience with a generation that is not sure if hell even exists!
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Bill and Annette Wiese, 7/2-8/07 (DVD of It’s Supernatural! interview, code: DVD384)
Bill’s 23-minute visit to hell.
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