March 2013 Newsletter
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Baal has tentacles into every area of our lives. The real question is what can we do about it?
Binding the Strongman Over America
By John Benefiel
In warfare, it’s imperative to know
your enemy and his elite team.
For instance, consider the war on
terrorism. Prior to his death, Osama
bin Laden assigned key leaders to different
territories. Our troops relied on sensitive
intelligence to name and locate them.
One by one, as they were toppled, Osama’s
entire network suffered, leaving the
kingpin himself vulnerable to attack.
There is a similar hierarchy of
authority in Satan’s kingdom. In this war,
the Bible is our source of intelligence,
listing Satan’s right-hand man as Baal,
the ruler of the demons. One of the most
grievous crimes listed in the Bible was
when the Pharisees gave Baal credit for
Jesus’ miracles. We’re told in Matthew
12:24, “But when the Pharisees heard this,
they said, ‘This man casts out demons only
by Beelzebul the ruler of the demons’’’
(NASB, emphasis mine).
Who is this ruler of the demons? He is
the strongman over America and the same
spirit that, time and time again, lured
Israel into idolatry. The name Baal can be
translated Bel, Bul, Beelzebul, or Beelzebub.
Baal was the Egyptian sun god
worshipped by King Ahab’s wife, who
changed her name to Jezebel (Jeze-Baal).
Baal is called the “god with a thousand
faces.” The purpose of all the faces is to
confuse us into thinking we have to fight
all those entities to win. We don’t. We’re
after the ruler of the demons.
God is unmasking idolatry. You don’t
have to go further than the dollar bill to
find it. On the back you see a truncated
pyramid with Lucifer’s all-seeing eye. Also
consider our nation’s capital, the District
of Columbia. That term means that the
district “belongs” to Columbia. The statue
on top of our nation’s capitol is actually a
statue of Columbia, an idol to the Queen
of Heaven, which is one of Baal’s female
Angel of Light: In addition to our own
research, the History Channel did a special
on the Statue of Liberty. It was built by
three French Freemasons who admitted
that it is a statue to the “light bearer,” or
Lucifer, who tries to portray himself as an
angel of light.
Around A.D. 313, Constantine
legalized Christianity and outlawed the
biblical Jewish feasts, such as Passover.
For centuries prior to this, pagans
celebrated the birth of the sun god, Mithra
(another face of Baal), on December 25.
Constantine blended that pagan holiday
with Christianity, calling it the birth of the
Have you ever wondered what Easter
bunnies and eggs had to do with the death
and resurrection of our Lord Jesus? Nothing!
Ishtar is the root word from which we get
Easter. Ishtar is the worship of a demonic
entity (another face of Baal) symbolizing the
goddess of fertility.
One of Baal’s names, Baal-hamon, means
“the lord of wealth or abundance.” This is
the principality that has held back your
finances and warred against the transfer of
wealth to the Church. Baal is also the god
of false religions. For instance, the original
name of Allah was Baal-Allah.
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You get the drift; Baal has tentacles into
every area of our lives. The real question
is what can we do about it? The answer is
found in the vision of the last days that God
gave to Daniel. “Thousands upon thousands
were attending Him, and myriads upon
myriads were standing before Him; the
court sat, and the books were opened”
(Daniel 7:10 NASB, emphasis mine).
God’s Court: The Supreme Judge is at His
court and the books are open. If we want to
pray and get results, we’ve got to take our
case before the court and deal with Baal
legally. That’s exactly what we did here in
Oklahoma. In 2007, at a national conference,
God released a prophetic word that the
strongman over America was Baal and
that Christians needed to divorce him and
remarry the Lord.
One of my good friends, Dr. Jerry Mash, a lawyer as well as a pastor, drew
up a legal document on behalf of the
people of God to divorce Baal. At the time,
we were in a drought so serious that
meteorologists predicted that it would
take eight years of regular rainfall to catch
up. As soon as we divorced Baal, it started
to rain and soon every lake and river was
at or above flood levels. That year, 2007,
turned into one of the wettest on record.
That was only the beginning of the
changes we’ve seen in Oklahoma as
we’ve continued taking Baal before God’s
court. While the nation was in the middle
of a huge recession with wide-spread
unemployment, Forbes magazine listed
Oklahoma City as the most recession-
proof city in America.
Measurable Results: While real estate
prices declined 14 percent nationally,
during that same time, real estate prices
in Oklahoma increased 4.1 percent.
Personal income in Oklahoma City
increased at a rate 50 percent higher
than the national average. In 2009, while
the national poverty rate soared to 14.2
percent, the poverty rate in Oklahoma
dropped to 12.9 percent. This was the first
time in our history that the poverty rate
in Oklahoma dropped below the national
average. Our unemployment rate has been
the lowest in the nation for cities with a
population of over a million for virtually
the last four years.
In the aftermath of the Oklahoma
City bombing, the once shelled-
out remains of downtown
now draw tourists, and
the Oklahoma City
Thunder, one of the elite
professional basketball
teams, makes its home
there. We have the
lowest tax burden of
any state. Both the
House and Senate
have been taken
over by conservative
Christians and even
our laws have begun to
change. For instance, no
state funds, employees, or
facilities may be used for abortions.
![]() John Benefiel is founder and director of the Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network (HAPN), which is represented in all 50 states and over 40 nations. John and his wife, Judith, are also the founders and senior pastors of Church on the Rock, Oklahoma City, OK. |
When Chuck Pierce gave me a
prophetic word to go to each state and
divorce Baal, I was obedient, and we’ve
witnessed amazing miracles both on
state and national levels. The first time
we divorced Baal on Wall Street at the site
of the statue of the bull (Baal), the stock
market, which had been in a nosedive,
stabilized. More recently, on July 4, 2011,
we divorced Baal at the nation’s capital.
Fifty days later, an earthquake hit the area
cracking the obelisk of the Washington
Monument, also doing damage to several
other idolatrous images. The list of
changes is too long to mention here, but
rest assured that as we remove Baal’s
tentacles from our society, God is blessing
America again.
I have even more good news. The
same thing that has worked at the city,
state, and national l evels will work in your
own life and family. In Daniel’s vision of
the last days we are told, “But the court
shall be seated, and they shall take away
his dominion, to consume and destroy it
forever. Then the kingdom and dominion,
and the greatness of the kingdoms under
the whole heaven, shall be given to the
people, the saints of the Most High”
(Daniel 7: 26-27, NKJV, emphasis mine).
Go ahead and make your case…the
court is sitting.
Dear Mishpochah
An evangelist who works with New Agers in Israel told me about a Jewish family she has witnessed to. They won’t receive any Christian literature from her, but they watch my TV show faithfully and love it! This is my primary goal for It’s Supernatural! — to reach those who are not going to hear the Good News any other way. I am amazed at the people in foreign countries who watch our show on the Internet.
I remember getting into a taxi in Indonesia, the
largest Muslim nation in the world, when the driver
said, “I know you. I watch you on the Internet.”
Our secondary goal is to make Christians
“normal” as defined by the Bible. I want to win to
the Lord and/or reproduce one million “Sid Roths.”
I pray you are one of them!
This is why I have designed my new mentoring clubs. This
is why this year I will start my new It’s Supernatural! Television
Network. State-of-the-art software and equipment is now
available to broadcast archives of our It’s Supernatural! show
in high definition 24/7 to EVERY smart phone and computer
in the world. At any time day or night you can get spiritually
charged by viewing a show. And
we will advertise apps that I
believe many unsaved will put on
their cell phones. By way of smart
phone and computer, we will be
viewed in countries that are hostile
toward Christianity! Even now,
someone who sells iPhones in North Korea loads our TV show
(translated into Korean) onto the phones before they are sold!
Right now in some countries I would be taken off the air
if I spoke about the sin of homosexuality or was pro-Israel
or anti-Islam. Soon even Christian television networks will
censor content to be more seeker sensitive. This is why I am
compelled to launch a network that no one but God will be
able to control.
The unsaved are fascinated with the supernatural. After we
launch the network with my archived shows, we will add one
new show at a time by producing new programs with the next
generation of anointed teachers, evangelists, and prophets. I
sense this is God’s time for the new! The next step will be to
launch the network on satellite. The equipment we intend to
purchase will make this an easy transition.
My heart’s desire is to base this new network in Israel.
My call is to prepare Israel for the return of Jesus. I want this
network to position itself to capture the second coming of
Jesus for instant worldwide viewing. The cost is extravagant,
but the rewards are priceless!
The first phase will cost one million dollars to blanket the
world with our new network. Please pray and find out if the
Lord wants you to partner in the high call of the salvation of
Israel. The Bible says, “Many are called but few are chosen” (or
will choose to be obedient). The
ONLY good investment I see is the
Kingdom of Heaven. It promises
rewards in this life and is the ONLY
reward in heaven!
We have already launched
our Jewish evangelistic website in
Hebrew for Israel and have started
advertising in Israel to direct
young people to our site. If you
want to see the site in English go
to Also start recommending
this site to your unsaved Jewish friends.
![]() Above: A screen-grab from our Hebrew language website. |
In addition we are working on mailing our second million
Jewish evangelistic books to Jews in North America as well as
Jews in other places of the world. And for safety reasons I cannot
reveal the details, but we are actively engaged in a program that
potentially will reach millions of Muslims for Jesus.
Prophetess Glenda Jackson, without knowing my God-
downloaded strategy for reaching Israel, prophesied it publicly
the night before I spoke at Peter Gammons’ tent meeting
recently in Orlando, Florida. She said EVERYONE in Israel will
know my name. Glenda is the great niece of Maria Woodworth-
Etter and one of the highest level prophets I know. Her great
aunt was considered an outstanding Prophetess and walked in
amazing signs and wonders. If you want to view the prophecy
and my meeting go to The harvest is plentiful
but the laborers are few. This is your season to step forward
into the great end-time harvest.
But the most important reason to be a pioneer with me in
this new network is to bless Israel. The best way to bless Israel is
not humanitarian aid or helping relocate Jews to Israel. We have
invested in these two important types of ministries for decades.
But Jesus is ready to return and we must evangelize the Jew
while it is still day. The night is quickly approaching when no
man can work (John 9:4). The HIGHEST blessing in reference
to the Jew is winning them to Jesus.
As you help us expand this vision from God, use this
offering as your point of contact. What do you need? Finances,
healing, salvation of loved ones, greater intimacy with God?
God says, ALL things are possible. Plant your gift based on
Genesis 12:3, “I will bless those who bless [the Jewish people].”
Believe before you receive and all things are yours!
Shalom and Love,
Sid Israel Roth
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright ©1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.