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By Wanda Rhodes
When Sid Roth lay down to sleep all those years ago, he had no idea of the profound impact on eternity that God had in store for him. In a dream, God instructed him to compile a book featuring the testimonies of Jewish individuals who had embraced Jesus as their Messiah. God revealed to him that this book would bring more souls to Heaven than anything else he had done. Right away, Sid began to put together a book entitled, They Thought for Themselves.
From that divine dream, Sid Roth stepped out in faith and Project 77 was born. We have now distributed over 2.2 million copies to unsaved Jewish households in
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North America through Project 77 and over 1.3 million more in multiple languages worldwide! Recently, we were blessed to hear a firsthand account of how Sid’s obedience transformed the life of a young Jewish man.
A couple months ago, Harrison and Kayla Lipsitz contacted us to arrange a tour of our studio. During their visit, our colleague, Pastor Ken Peltier, discovered that Sid’s evangelistic book, They Thought for Themselves, had played a key role in the husband’s salvation!
No way I’m going to believe!
Harrison, whose parents were Orthodox Jews and maternal grandmother was a Holocaust survivor, recounted how he grew up attending synagogue. His wife Kayla, on the other hand, came from a Catholic background. Both were raised in religious traditions that held little personal significance to them. When they met at a student gathering in college and fell in love, they didn’t even consider how their religious upbringing would affect their lives as a couple.
Harrison recalls how his family observed Jewish holidays and kept the Shabbat every Friday night. However, he didn’t understand the significance behind these traditions. In a similar way, he learned to read Hebrew to prepare for his bar mitzvah but had no understanding of the meaning of the words.
When the young couple was invited to a Christmas event at a friend’s church, Kayla, who had no idea what an altar call even was, went forward and experienced God as she never had before. She began to attend a Bible study and her faith flourished.
As Kayla transitioned from her Catholic background to a faith centered on Jesus, tensions flared between her and Harrison who adamantly expressed his resistance, saying, “There is no way I’m going to believe in this!” Their arguments nearly jeopardized their relationship.
A prayer to walk the same spiritual path
One day, after Harrison had dropped Kayla at her Bible study and turned to walk away, the moment touched Kayla so deeply that she prayed, earnestly asking God to bring Harrison onto the same spiritual path with Jesus that she was on. At the Bible study, she met a Jewish woman who had also found faith in Jesus, and Kayla, full of hope, went home and shared that with Harrison.
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The following week, Harrison decided to accompany Kayla to the Bible study. There, he received a copy of They Thought for Themselves. At first, he was deeply offended by its content so when he got home, he put it on a shelf and left it there. However, that book, like a seed, had its own timeline for growth and the truth it contained would soon take root in Harrison’s heart and bring forth spiritual life.
Being shut in together during the Covid pandemic only intensified the disputes between Harrison and Kayla as she shared her growing love for Jesus. Frustrated and determined to debunk the Christian faith that had captured Kayla’s heart, Harrison took Sid’s book from the shelf and began to read it. To his surprise, it wasn’t filled with fabricated stories from insincere individuals as he had anticipated. What truly astonished him were the scriptural references that accompanied each person’s testimony of how they, as Jews, had come to recognize Jesus as the Messiah.
After completing the book, he felt it could be true that Jesus was indeed the Messiah that the Jewish people were waiting for. Yet, before he could approach this subject with his family, he wanted to delve deeper. Harrison picked up the Bible and read it cover to cover, discovering that everything he had read in Sid’s book was undeniably true. And Harrison embraced Jesus as his Messiah!
Kayla says that within a month of Harrison’s decision, their roles reversed. Instead of Kayla teaching him what the Bible contains, Harrison began to instruct her! As a married couple, they have become a beautiful picture of Jew and Gentile joining together in Messiah Jesus to form the One New Man (Ephesians 2:14-15). Now they look forward to growing together in Jesus for the rest of their lives!
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Sid Roth’s goal has never been to merely inspire people. A Hallmark card can do that! Rather, his calling, and the calling of all of us here at the ministry, is to co-labor with Jesus to bring about the kind of soul-stirring transformation that led the Apostle Paul to consider his earthly achievements, though significant, as inconsequential when compared to the immeasurable value of knowing his Messiah.
Yes, certainly, I count everything as loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Messiah Yeshua my Lord, for whom I have forfeited the loss of all things and count them as rubbish that I may gain Messiah… (Philippians 3:8 TSB).
When I asked Harrison about the dramatic change in his life, he replied, “The most profound thing is my heart being awakened by knowing and experiencing God. His love has shaped me to be the better man I always wanted to be but never could in my own strength. He showed me that I am deeply loved and don’t need to search for validation from man or the world.”
In this life, we may not have the opportunity to hear all the testimonies of the lives transformed by Sid’s book, They Thought for Themselves. However, I know that when we get to Heaven, we will be overwhelmed by the multitude of precious souls that Jesus called to Himself through this book. You will share in that moment, and you will experience profound joy at being a part of their salvation story!
Wanda Rhodes is a Partner Relations Representative with It’s Supernatural!
By Sid Roth
I have been broadcasting radio and then TV since 1977. We now own two television networks and at 83 years young, I’m working harder than at any time in my entire life! A TV shoot day consists of nearly eight hours, including a short lunch, and then non-stop, extremely intense work! Not only am I able to do this but the shows keep getting better!
A partner just wrote: “In the 10+/- years that I have been coming to your studios, yesterday was by far the MOST EXCITING one yet!”
I know it’s only going to get busier! I have seen the next phase of my ministry, and it has not even started! It involves the salvation of Israel! In the past, we have had over a thousand unsaved Jewish people in attendance at my outreach meetings. But I have a vision of the largest Jewish evangelistic meeting I have ever had in Israel in 2024!
Why will this next meeting be so large? Why will we see many new believers who will never backslide? Why will Israel be so open to the Gospel? I believe this next year will usher in the Greater Glory Harvest! This will change everything including health, longevity, energy and gifting! The best description of this never-before-seen outburst of God’s Glory is found in Isaiah 60:1-3 (TLB):
“Arise, my people! Let your light shine for all the nations to see! For the Glory of the Lord is streaming from you. Darkness as black as night shall cover all the peoples of the earth, but the Glory of the Lord will shine from you. All nations will come to your light; mighty kings will come to see the Glory of the Lord upon you.”
The church will be divided. There will no longer be a lukewarm, deceived, placebo, Christianity. You will either be like the first believers at Pentecost—red hot—or you will be ice cold!
I am committed to being your Personal Trainer to motivate you to enter the fullness of the Epic Greater Glory!
The devil knows that the coming Jewish harvest will be the catalyst for the greatest Gentile harvest in history. He is trying to neutralize it with the greatest display of anti-Semitism since the Hitler era.
Here is just a snapshot of the anti-Semitism that is erupting worldwide after the Hamas terror attack against Israel. Shai Davidai, an assistant professor at Columbia Business School, writes:
“Thousands of worried [Jewish] parents have been losing sleep as they see their children’s campuses rampaged by extremist organizations that openly celebrate and encourage terrorism. To all those parents, I reply: No. Your children are not safe. Because, as a professor, I can tell you that universities across the country would rather appease pro-terror campus coalitions than care for their Jewish students…..What sort of education is your child getting at a place that refuses to condemn terror-sympathizing organizations and allows them to roam freely on campus? What sort of education is your child getting at a place that gives a platform…to organizations that celebrate the execution of infants in their cribs? The raping of teenagers? The kidnapping of toddlers? (https://medium.com/@shaidavidai2023).”
But the worst anti-Semitism is now rising up in the church! Entire movements are getting infected with a false theology! They love the Jew and support humanitarian work in Israel. Yet they don’t support Jewish evangelism. Why? Because they don’t believe Jews need to be saved to get to Heaven. This is a different Gospel!
Thank God He is sending the Epic Greater Glory!