Messianic Vision Canada

Dear Canadian Mishpochah (Family),

Messianic Vision Canada, our sister charity, collaborates with our American office to spread the Good News of Messiah, focusing on Jewish evangelism (Romans 1:16). Messianic Vision Canada is a registered charity (BN# 861338135 RR0001), audited annually, and offers tax-deductible donations. To support us, please visit our Canadian website to explore Ways To Give or click to Donate Now.

As a Jewish believer in Messiah Jesus like Paul the Apostle, I desire to see my people — the Jewish people — saved (Romans 10:1). Through our Project 77 campaign, we have mailed my book “They Thought for Themselves” to millions of Jewish homes in North America, with significant impact in Canada. Join this ongoing project in Canada here.

In 1995, a Canadian supporter’s donation of $25,000 to Crossroads Communications initiated our television program It’s Supernatural! Check our list of stations to find local Canadian broadcasts.

With proper planning, you can save on taxes, provide for your loved ones, and support our mission. Learn about Planned Giving to our Canadian ministry here.

Welcome to the family with a Jewish heart! For He Himself is our peace who has made both (Jews and Gentiles) one and has broken down the middle wall of division…so as to create in Himself one new man from the two (Ephesians 2:14-15 NKJV).

For further assistance, please contact our Canadian office.

Shalom and Love,
Sid Israel Roth

Shalom and Love,

Sid Israel Roth