Give the Gift of Double Life

I invite you to watch my brief video and find out how to tap into the greatest promise in the Bible for believers at this set time to favor Zion.

We have already deployed 66 Israel Defense Forces approved bomb shelters and are ready to build 11 more. By the end of June we will have a total of 77 shelters built. Our goal is to build 700!

Why? Israel is desperately short of bomb shelters! Since the beginning of this month, over 1,200 missiles were launched by terrorists to overwhelm Israel’s defense systems and murder innocent Jewish civilians.

Join me with your gift now to build these urgently needed bomb shelters in Israel!

Each shelter will display a sign on the outside wall: “Donated with love for the people of Israel by METV”—our evangelistic television network available to every cable and satellite TV subscriber in Israel.

When you partner with me you will bless Israel with not just Chai (the Hebrew word for life), but “double Chai”—double life! Why double life? As we build the shelters, they will literally save Jewish lives, but METV points them to Jesus, Who saves lives for eternity!

Yours for the Salvation of Israel,

Sid Israel Roth

Join me with your gift now to build these urgently needed bomb shelters in Israel!