Please take a moment to visit our completely redesigned website for unsaved Jewish people: This is the website we give to Jewish people who receive my evangelistic book, They Thought for Themselves.
After you have visited the site, please send an email to your unsaved Jewish friends asking them to check it out. You can copy and paste the wording below. Be sure to fill in your friend’s name at the beginning and your name at the end! You may want to change some of the wording or add a personal message. — Sid Roth
Sample email to send to your Jewish friends to invite them to visit our evangelistic website
Dear _______,
Recently, I saw something that made me think of you. It was a very interesting website that I visited for the first time:
This website shares the stories of ten amazing Jewish people. These stories are featured in a book recommended by the Atlanta Jewish Times. And the website was promoted through the New York Times website.
Coming from a wide spectrum of backgrounds and ranging in upbringing from atheist to Orthodox, from a Ph.D. to a holocaust survivor, one thing they all had in common — they knew that there must be something more to life. They felt a void and dared to search for that missing part for themselves.
With the world in such turmoil, I urge you to give that website a click. You can even order a free copy of a book that features the ten stories.
Whenever you get a chance, please email me and let me know what you think.