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We seem to have overcome time and space in our generation. With email today, what could have taken weeks for a letter to arrive at its destination and an answer to come back can now be there in the time it takes to tap a few keys on a keyboard and hit “Send.”

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Dr. John Miller is a chiropractor who was led to study the Passover connection with the Lord’s Supper and the ancient prophecies about a sin-bearing Messiah. By uncovering these Jewish roots, John found a remarkable pathway to healing.

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Killed any giants lately? Is your slingshot in good shape in case one shows up? Everyone loves the story of when David slew Goliath. You don’t hear the term “slew” much these days.

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Intercessors do indeed change history. One of Sid’s guests has revealed a much hidden but extraordinary account of prayer having laid the foundation for the modern Zionist movement.

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