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God does not honor dishonor. He paid a dear price to “cover” our weaknesses and failures in order to make us “honorable” and He desires that we do the same for one another.

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If one person wrote to ask the question, others may have the same question crossing their minds.

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This week, there was a knock at my door. An Israeli youth was there to collect my gas mask. He said the government was updating thousands of gas masks which never got used during the second Gulf War.

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As U.S. President George W. Bush completes his tour of the Middle East, many pro-Israel supporters are wondering what Israel’s policies will look like in 2008, in lieu of U.S. and international pressure on the Jewish state.


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“If Jesus is not the promised Messiah of Israel, then he is the Messiah and Savior of nobody.”

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We are created to be “at home” with God, to walk with Him and talk with Him and to hear His voice and learn from Him through revelation as He speaks to us.

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“I’ve been stressing out because I don’t know how to ‘live’ a ‘halachic’ life….I’ve gone from freedom and excitement about what I’m learning, to fear and trepidation, afraid to make a move.

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The expectations of President Bush and his Secretary of State are far from what Israel and the Palestinians say they can deliver in a final status deal expected to be completed by the end of next year


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Is the seeming ecclesiastical chaos of our day the death rattle of the Church or is it the moment of God’s unveiling of His master plan for the body of Christ?

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Admittedly there are pagan roots to what is for many a beloved Christmas celebration.

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