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We all know we are to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. That goes without saying. But where we sometimes have trouble is with this part: “You must love your neighbor as you love yourself.”

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Salvation is not a prayer, a commitment to a church or denomination, or even agreement with a belief system no matter how noble. It is a journey with Messiah Jesus into eternity.

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When we have to choose between loyalty to our families and loyalty to God, we must choose to be loyal to Him.

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How does God begin to make a person into all that He intends? He makes promises to him! Promises that at present seem impossible.

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Actually, there are multiplied tens of thousands of Jews who have believed and do believe in him.

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True peace in the Middle East can only come in accordance with the declared will of God for Israel and Jerusalem.

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I had been taught years ago that a carnal believer was an acceptable state for an immature Believer but it sure doesn’t sound that way in Paul’s letter to the Romans, does it?

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In seeking the Lord for what He might say to the church for 2008 I believe the theme is “Prepare your hearts!”

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“There is an authentic ‘Christianity’ that is thoroughly biblical and — I kid you not — amazingly ‘Jewish.'”

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Be sure to do whatever you do in freedom, enjoying your day with God.

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