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Based on the teaching of the Hebrew Bible, if the Nazi could truly repent before he died, then God would accept him as righteous. But merely ‘believing’ — without true repentance — is meaningless.

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These are not questions to be answered lightly, as if heaven and hell were mere figures of speech.

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I was at a conference and the Lord opened up to me an area of my inner life I wasn’t aware of. Hey, we all have them, right?

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If you are reading this website, you are undoubtedly aware that Easter is a “derivative” of Passover. You know that Yeshua is the Passover Lamb of God who died on the 14th of Nissan, the day that God told the Hebrews to commemorate their deliverance from Egypt by His mighty Hand.

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Many of my articles are the answers I am led into. This time, I feel to share with you only questions.

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With enemy forces possibly hitting Israel on several fronts in a future rocket bombardment, is the current Israeli government seriously considering new defense strategies to deal with possible threats of this kind?

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I once heard a story, alleged to be true, of a Jewish Catholic priest in Ireland who celebrated St. Patrick’s day with a green star of David around his neck.

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Since the Annapolis conference of November 2007, and the start of officially renewed peace negotiations with the Palestinians, there have been continual earth tremors in the land.

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“…the exhortation to the church to pray for good government is inexplicably linked to the advance of the Kingdom of God.”

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Salvation is not a prayer, a commitment to a church or denomination, or even agreement with a belief system no matter how noble. It is a journey with Messiah Jesus into eternity.

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