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Your statement is quite exaggerated and also misses a crucial point.

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A recent gathering in Paris, France on July 13 included 43 heads of state from Europe, Arab countries and Israel. Proclaimed by French President Nicholas Sarkozy as a “new union” for European-Mediterranean unity, it signaled an effort to advance Middle East peace.

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There most definitely was first-century Jewish expectation concerning a miracle working Messiah…

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Right in the middle of all the intellectualism that gave birth to the Enlightenment, with its high regard for the minds of mankind and his own ability to reason as the highest form of knowledge, a revival of great magnitude referred to as “The Great Awakening,” began changing the hearts of men and women.

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When the obstetrician told Dr. Gary Hill and his wife Marie that their unborn child would be severely brain damaged, they refused to accept it.

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In America our national concept of God has been changing for several decades. Because of technology, at no time in the history of mankind have we had so much input from so many varied ideas of what is to be valued and what to be sought after, or believed.

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As we explained in the previous answer, this is the transition age, the age when God’s kingdom is being established throughout the earth, one life at a time.

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Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s political problems have not deterred him from his ambitions to find a solution to every problem Israel faces diplomatically and militarily.

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According to the biblical timetable, things are right on schedule, and Jesus is doing everything the Messiah was to expected to do up until this point.

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When God created the earth and the heavens and all that is within them, He blessed them and called them good, just as He is good. Then when all was completed, God then blessed and set apart as holy the seventh day from all the other days.

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