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“Most of My people only live on the outskirts of My kingdom,” the Lord told me one day.

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Why have Jewish leaders and even rabbis become believers in Yeshua through the centuries?

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It seems to me that the most critical and destiny-driving issue before us in this election is not even being talked about.

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I’m a little surprised at your objection, since there are several, major variations in Judaism…

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Many of us live under a kind of cloud of “I shudda…,” or “I cudda…” or “I shuddn’t of….” We have this vague malaise of discomfort that we’re not entirely right with God.

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We know that there were Sabbath-keeping, Hebrew-reading, Torah-revering Jewish followers of Jesus for at least the first 400 years of Church history.

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What Yeshua did for us is far beyond what any of us can really comprehend.

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While U.S. congressional leaders debate the pros and cons of direct talks with Iran, Israelis continue to be skeptical that such discussions will stop Iran from “going nuclear.”

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If there was ever a one new (wo)man story, it’s the one about the Samaritan lady at the well.

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This is a sample email that you can you to direct your Jewish friends to our evangelistic website.

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