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It is in small groups where the Lord can begin to teach each of us what our own gifting is, and to show us how what we have to say or rather what He would say through us can minister to others.

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God has always revealed himself to his people. He did it most permanently and most fully through Jesus his Son.”

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Americans and Israelis have been in the voting booth lately, and there’s more to come for those living in the Jewish State. By next spring, the new players in government and in power will be facing each other in a new round of U.S.-Israel diplomatic relations.

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When God told Abram, later known as our father Abraham, to get out of Ur, his obedience served as the insemination of the kingdom of God into the earth.

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The Lord expects us to be aware of the signs of these times, for He rebuked the Pharisees and Sadducees because they just didn’t get it.

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Just as Messianic Jews probably misunderstand some of the things you believe, I think you misunderstand some of the things I believe.

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Change is needed. Exactly what changes are needed differ according to philosophy and our perceived needs, but change is what we’re looking for from our new president.

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When Daniel went on a fast for God’s will to come to pass, the only things he put in his mouth were fruits and veggies — you know, the stuff that’s good for you. We call it a Daniel Fast. I’m suggesting we go on a Blessing Fast, so the only things that come out of our mouths are those words that are good for us and for others.

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Despite instability in world financial markets, 8,000 Christian pilgrims from more than 100 nations came up to Jerusalem to participate in the International Christian Embassy’s Feast of Tabernacles celebration.

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“Most of My people only live on the outskirts of My kingdom,” the Lord told me one day.

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