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I regularly meet folks (a number through email) who are delighted to learn more of the Jewish roots of their faith, saying that it brings them closer to the Lord through a greater understanding of what Yeshua said or did. But some, I fear, sound like they are drifting into more of a focus on Torah than on Yeshua.

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I’ve had some rewarding interactions with some homeless folks in our town as I’ve come across them. When I ask them if they know the Lord Jesus, hoping to perhaps lead them to the Lord if they didn’t, I was at first shocked to hear them say yes.

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I’m actually glad that you raised this objection, since it has the merit of acknowledging the importance of sacrifices and offerings in the prophetic books (which is the exact opposite of the premise of objection 3.9). However, from our current vantage point, it is difficult for us to know exactly what God was speaking through the prophets concerning a future Temple with restored sacrifices.

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Pro-Israel supporters have been focused on the new relationship between U.S. President Barak Obama, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The international community has been waiting for a new Middle East peace initiative to come forth from the Obama Administration that will set the agenda for peace negotiations in the region over the next several years.

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Shavuot is about birthdays. It will take place beginning sundown May 28th to sundown May 30th this year (2009). Shavuot has great historical and spiritual significance for Israel and for the church.

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<p>I&#39;ve been in prayer meetings which had a very serious tone – and suddenly the spirit of laughter has descended. When we were coming into revival years ago I remember someone saying they had read an account of revival in a book- and in this revival at the time, there was a lot of weeping. Our church thought, &quot;Well maybe we should weep because maybe God likes weeping, maybe it&#39;s a way of being holy.&quot;</p>

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God wants us to be well! But, God has more than one assembly line available to Him by which He delivers the finished product. Obviously, conditions must be met in order to receive from the Lord. A knowledge of the Father’s love, faith in the completed work of the Cross of Christ, and patient abiding in the Word of God are but a few of these essentials.

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Freedom in the Lord and His peace is the yardstick by which we must measure what we believe He is saying to us. Even when He asks something hard of us, there is still peace with Him and that’s the bottom line.

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The specific laws in the Torah regarding the sprinkling of the blood on the altar had to do with the sacrifices offered on that altar. In those cases, specific regulations applied.

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In the beginning of creation, God spoke light into existence when darkness covered the earth.

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