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Periodically I share with you, dear readers, some of the questions that come to me from some of you. So here are a few of what your sisters and brothers have on their hearts. Maybe they will answer some of your own questions. Blessings upon you as your read them.

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Judaism actually has many different traditions about the coming of the Messiah, including beliefs that there are two messiahs who will each come once, as well as beliefs that there is a potential Messiah present in each generation.

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A key issue expected to be in the forefront of Israel’s diplomatic discussions with the United States, Europe, and the international community is the status of Jerusalem. The current disagreement regarding a settlement freeze, in dispute between U.S. and Israeli officials, points not only to building construction in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria), but also to the building of apartments in East Jerusalem.

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Have you ever entertained any of these thoughts: “Why didn’t I….? I never should have…! If only he had… I’ll never be able to forgive…”

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Over the course of several weeks the Holy Spirit has once again given several prophetic experiences pointing to the coming apostolic movement. Although the Western Church has several ministries that are functioning in apostolic ways, we have yet to see the true demonstration of New Testament apostolic ministry the way it will be revealed before the end comes.

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That is not true. From the Talmud until our own day, important Jewish traditions have acknowledged the Messiah’s suffering.

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I was filled with images of the Lord’s return to earth in holy splendor while contemplating the contents of this article with the Lord, when a friend called. We had a discussion about my previous article related to the soon anticipated rapture.

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Israel is always God’s indication of where we are in prophetic history. Consider this verse: “Afterward the sons of Israel will return and seek the Lord their God and David their king; and they will come trembling to the Lord and to His goodness in the last days” (Hosea 3:5). King David, of course, was a pre-cursor to Messiah Yeshua, the One who is forever King of the Jews.

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Judaism has never had one, official, universally accepted set of beliefs concerning the Messiah, but it is true that traditional Jewish teaching does not speak unequivocally of a divine Messiah. However, Jewish tradition often describes a highly exalted Messiah as well as a preexistent Messiah, so much so that Jewish scholars have sometimes spoken of the ‘semi-divine’ or ‘quasi-divine’ nature of the Messiah according to these traditions.

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People world-over are increasingly desperate to know what tomorrow will bring, frantic to prepare for the future. Global changes are coming rapidly–and no sooner than we’ve adjusted to these changes, new realities explode into our world.

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