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This is not possible. The servant of the Lord in Isaiah 53 was smitten for the sins of his people while he himself was guiltless.

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Why did God allow six million Jews to be murdered? Why did God allow the Holocaust? I obtained supernatural insight to answer this question from an event that happened in my life.

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The traditional story of Hanukkah is about rededicating the Temple 165 B.C.E. after it had been overrun by Antiochus, a pagan king and his troops. Antiochus defiled the temple by turning it into a temple for Zeus and then sacrificing a pig on the altar.

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Life in the Lord is never boring. Or at least it shouldn’t be. If nothing is going on, we can always pray into something more exciting than what’s presently happening in our own lives and become a part of what God is doing somewhere else. Some weeks, though, are admittedly more fruitful than others.

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Among American Christian’s there have been some misconceptions about U.S. support for Israel. There’s been talk about President Barack Obama’s sympathies for the Palestinian cause, while at the same time, unrelenting U.S. pressure on Israel, especially concerning settlement growth. Furthermore, these same pro-Israel Americans continue to question the Obama Administration’s loyalty to its only democratic ally in the Middle East.

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You’re partially correct. The earliest reference to this interpretation is found in a second-century Christian source recounting a discussion between a Gentile follower of Jesus and some Jewish teachers who did not believe in him.

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A question I have been asked on more than one occasion has to do with baptism. This is probably another of those “one new man” issues that will cause you to see things differently, from a more Hebrew perspective, the way it was at the beginning.

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Many have noted that unforgiveness is a roadblock to supernatural healing. However, Dr. Art Mathias is one of the first to demonstrate that when we understand and apply the principles of Biblical forgiveness, the Lord’s healing will come to us very easily. His simple approach has set thousands free from suffering and disability.

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Absolutely not. In fact, an Orthodox anti-missionary made this very claim — quite emphatically — in a live radio debate with me in 1991.

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Our heads are filled with politics these days, aren’t they? If we thought the elections of last year were absorbing, how much more what is going on today? Sometimes, though, you want to just tune out the whole thing. At least I do. I wish it would all go away and things would just be nice. But wishing won’t do it. It’s here. At least for now.

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