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We know that God doesn’t interact with unholiness. It’s not just because He has an aversion to sin. He doesn’t directly interact with unholy humankind because we would be destroyed by the power of His holiness. Holiness has innate energy the kind that speaks universes into being and they suddenly “are.” Being directly confronted with God’s holy power, even His unbridled love, is beyond our ability to endure it. It would destroy us.

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One wants to receive a word an dthe other has received a word and is waiting for the fulfillent of it. Is there a better way for them both?

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How do you explain eternal life to an unsaved Jewish person (or any person) who has no belief in life after death?

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Could Yeshua have ever had a faith crisis? Or a love crises? If He was “tempted in all things as we are” (Hebrews 4:15), He must have.

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Growing U.S. pressure on the Palestinians to enter into direct talks with Israel has led to a scheduled meeting of Arab League foreign ministers, set to take place in Cairo, on Thursday, July 29, 2010. The Arab League is expected to decide, at that time, whether to approve a direct meeting between Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in order to advance the peace process.

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A revelation is something God plunks into your spirit and suddenly you know what you didn’t know seconds before. You don’t learn revelations. They just come to you like an “Aha” moment. I had one… no, two of them last week. They dovetail together.

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An email came from a new Jewish believer wanting to know what to call herself. She was having a tad bit of an identity issue. The answer may provide you with some new insights, and give you liberty to allow the Lord to take some limitations off of you. As she predicted, this turned into an article.

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Just as I was finishing this article a precedent took place that will change the history of America. For the first time America voted against Israel in the UN’s condemnation of her with regard to the Flotilla episode.

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The word for vision in Hebrew is “machazeh” and means at the root to gaze at, mentally to perceive, contemplate (with pleasure), specifically to have a vision of, to behold (which means to look with understanding), to prophesy and to see. We are given visions of things which will either increase our faith or decrease our faith.

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You may have heard the expression, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend,” but through Yeshua, both my friend and my enemy can become my brother.

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