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This question of the Rapture and when it will take place is one that seems to circle the earth.

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Is the stirring to know the Hebrew roots of our faith a call from God to draw His true worshippers to Himself in order to come to “know Him” as mankind has not known Him since the beginning?

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Those of us who are not participating in ungodliness are going to need to persevere patiently in faith in Yeshua as we endeavor to keep the commandments of God, perhaps despite great pressure to do otherwise. It may require patience and endurance as we wait for God in whatever situation we may find ourselves.

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The word in Hebrew, “levav” which is translated into English as “heart,” to a Hebrew means both rational thought and emotion.

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The Israelis are running the race in a concerted attempt to thwart unilateral recognition of Palestinian statehood by the international community.

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When an earthquake shifted Japan eight feet westward and a tsunami washed away a portion of her country, was God responsible, or was it a natural disaster?

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We all want to find our way home to a security that is eternal and everlasting.

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The Lord’s Prayer went from being a “poem” I learned as a child to words with ‘Kingdom’ reality to them.

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The times we live in seem to tell us it is wise to learn a deeper level of trust now. So what does trusting God mean? Is it different than trusting “in” God? How does it work out in our every day life?

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“How do you spell Yeshua?…What about ‘once saved, always saved’?…My family doesn’t ‘get it’… What about tithes in the NT?”

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