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I’ll never forget when terrorist pioneer Yasser Arafat explained to the whole world that Jews had never been in “Palestine,” and there had never been a King David, a King Solomon or Solomon’s Temple.

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak have been sending out strong messages over the past few days, warning the international community of an impending Israeli military operation.

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As the Palestinian-Arabs and their friends make their latest push for “Palestinian” statehood at the United Nations this week, once again the wrong questions are being asked.

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While Egypt’s Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) fights the Moslem Brotherhood for political control of the country, terrorist groups in the Sinai and Gaza are launching attacks against Israel.

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The issue of Jerusalem


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Israel’s achievements over the past 64 years are remarkable, but its struggle to remain the sovereign homeland of the Jewish people keeps it from being able to fully enter into the joy of independent statehood.

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Their tongues were smooth as they expressed their great love of the Jewish people…

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He may be cloaked in light beyond what is almost incomprehensible to us who live in this fallen world, but He is “seeable,” at least in heaven.

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An ongoing barrage of more than 130 rockets has hit Israeli southern communities since March 9, escalating tensions between Israel and terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip.

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Is your greatest desire to finish well, so that at the end of your life you can say with Paul, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7)?

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