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A senior Iranian naval commander says his country has sent several warships to the Atlantic Ocean, close to US maritime borders for the first time.

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It is interesting how riled up Israelis get when Palestinians start claiming Yeshua as one of their own.

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As the world awaits the unveiling of U.S. Secretary of State Kerry’s peace plan, Israeli politicians are becoming more divided, threatening a break-up of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government coalition.

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Iran now claims it can resume 20% uranium enrichment in less than 24 hours, and will continue to exercise its right to do so despite the agreement with world powers.

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French President Francois Hollande intervened at the last minute in Geneva to disrupt concessions to Iran.

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According to the New York Post, Bethlehem boasted a 70% Christian population 50 years ago, and today it is less than 15%.

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The world’s most prestigious newspaper, the New York Times, recently produced an article predicting Israel’s soon-coming demise.

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A dangerous teaching has resurfaced in the church that says, “The Jews killed Christ.”

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Israel says that half of Iran’s centrifuges would have to be destroyed to slow down Iran’s quest to build a nuclear bomb.

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An old heresy claiming the Old Testament and book of Revelation are no longer relevant for believers is being revived today. This heresy could cost you your salvation!

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