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Should we be fearful about destruction and judgment coming to America?

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Shira Sorko-Ram gives her perspective of America from the vantage point across the sea — from Israel.

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BDS is the latest reincarnation of anti-Semitism, a syndrome which first appeared some 3500 years ago when Pharaoh ordered all Hebrew male newborns to be killed.

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While all eyes are focused on a potential nuclear deal between Iran and the P5+1 nations, Israel is dealing with another formidable enemy, ISIS.

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Anti-Semitism has increased 40% worldwide since early 2014, but in an effort to be politically correct, many leaders condemn “Islamaphobia” along with Anti-Semitism.

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These prophetic utterances were given during Kenneth E. Hagin’s 1983 Campmeeting in Tulsa, but they are still so pertinent for today.

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When the horrific 7.8 earthquake shook the tiny country of Nepal, some 650 Israelis were roaming its mountainous trails.

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We hear often why Israel needs America. But, why does America need Israel?

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President Barack Obama has informed the American people that the Iran nuclear agreement he is hoping to conclude with Iran is a once-in-a- lifetime opportunity.

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Emotions have run high in Israel this month as citizens have marked several significant days in Jewish history.

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