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As we get ready to move into 2015, I wanted to share the four prayers that are on my heart for the new year so you can join me in lifting them up:
1) Pray for Jewish Evangelism
This has been a landmark year for us for Jewish evangelism, but God is showing me that next year the Jewish people will be more open to the Gospel than ever before. Pray for strategic evangelistic meetings throughout the world, for wisdom as we lead them and the finances to make them happen.
2) Pray for the Relaunch of the Messianic Vision Radio Show
Next year we will be relaunching the Messianic Vision radio show by designing a new set and videotaping it so you can not only listen, but also watch! The set will be state of the art. I believe that because of the increased amount of interview time on our radio show, there will be major moves of the Holy Spirit. Pray that the presence of God would be so strong that everyone viewing and listening will get impartations on every show!
3) Pray for a Breakthrough for Our Television Show, It’s Supernatural!
I believe It’s Supernatural! will break new ground on secular TV networks in the U.S. and worldwide so that more people will see how God is moving today. God is already beginning to answer this prayer! I just signed a contract to air the show in the United Kingdom on a TV network previously owned by the BBC. It will reach 28 million homes beginning next year!
Pray that the doors will open for secular TV appearances for me so that I may share on mass media about God’s supernatural power!
4) Pray for the Finances to be Able to Lead the End-Time Revival that God Has Called our Ministry to Spark
I know God has called our ministry to paint a historic masterpiece — an End-Time revival in which multitudes of Jews and Gentiles will be saved. Please pray for the finances to expand the reach of our It’s Supernatural! TV program and our other outreaches. If you’re ready to be part of the answer to this prayer, please give your tax-deductible,* year-end gift to our ministry now!
Will You Help Us Continue to Reach the Jew First for Messiah?
Unprecedented doors for Jewish evangelism are opening and we need your help to walk through. Will you join us in the great harvest that is now unfolding?
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