Today is the Jewish festival of Purim when we celebrate the deliverance of the Jewish people in ancient Persia (modern-day Iran) from Haman’s plot to destroy them. God used Esther to intercede on behalf of the Jewish people so they would be spared.
Why does the devil try so hard to destroy the Jewish people? The answer is found in the meaning and message of the Jewish festival of Purim:
Isn’t it interesting that the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, came to Washington, DC on the week of Purim? Just like Esther, Prime Minister Netanyahu pleaded his case for the survival of Israel.
At this critical time, with your help, we are reaching out to the Jewish people in Israel and elsewhere with the Good News — the power of God unto salvation.
This is what I have been created to do. We are gearing up for a major Jewish evangelistic outreach. Your special Purim offering will be poured into Jewish evangelism through outreaches such as this, evangelistic publications, our It’s Supernatural! TV program and more!
As Mordecai said to Esther when he asked her to help save the Jewish people, I say the same to you: “Yet who knows whether you have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14).
Sid Roth, a former account executive for Merrill Lynch, was raised in a traditional Jewish home. Yet, religious tradition provided no answers when he hit rock bottom in 1972. With his life out of control and his marriage in shambles, Sid was set free from demonic oppression through a supernatural encounter with Jesus. Immediately, he began to boldly proclaim Jesus as the Jewish Messiah.