This year at my Jewish outreaches over 2,700 predominantly Jewish people made public professions of faith in Jesus! In 2020 I have three outreaches in different parts of the world on January 11, March 14 and May 16. Please pray the Greater Glory appears and that there will be miracles and 100% radical Jewish salvations!
This is the year for a major increase in the manifest presence of God. I call it the Greater Glory! Miracles will be easy in the Greater Glory. Pray it hits our first live TV show of the year and then comes upon you! I have invited three of the most accurate prophets I know to tell us what they see taking place in 2020, including amazing things about the United States and the election. It will shock most of you!
It will be live on our ISN online Network, Friday January 3rd at 7 pm ET. If you want a free download of our ISN app, just go to the App Store on your smart phone or tablet and search for “Sid Roth.” I know you will enjoy this live show as well as our 24/7 ISN programming. Many of our viewers watch 4 hours a day because they want their home flooded with the Greater Glory.
In addition to the above, please join me in lifting up these four strategic prayer needs…
1. Pray our It’s Supernatural! Network (ISN) will have a greater reach. We are working on expanding to France and the rest of Europe next year. We need prayer for new programming as the current stockpile of Christian TV programs mostly reflect the last move of God’s Spirit. I am believing God for His Glory to cover the earth through our two TV networks.
If you want to help us expand our networks and other outreaches, please give your year-end gift to our ministry now.
2. Pray for our broadcast TV network—Middle East TV (METV)—that covers EVERY TV-equipped home in Israel, as well as parts of Asia, Africa and the entire Middle East! It currently reaches a potential audience of half a billion viewers!
3. Pray for our evangelistic book mailings to unsaved Jewish people in North America, including Millennials. So far we have mailed my evangelistic book to 100,000 North American Jewish Millennials!
4. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. God says in Psalm 122:6: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: ‘May they prosper who love you!’”
I pray 2020 will be the most prosperous year in your life in EVERY area!
Shalom and Love,
Sid Israel Roth
*Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law in the U.S. and Canada.
Will You Help Us Continue to Reach the Jew First for Messiah?
Unprecedented doors for Jewish evangelism are opening and we need your help to walk through. Will you join us in the great harvest that is now unfolding?