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Palestinian Christians have created what is called Palestinian Liberation Theology. According to them, Jesus was not a Jew. He was a Palestinian. Israel has no historical or theological right to exist. Rather, according to the rewritten scriptures, the Palestinians are the chosen people.


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With the upcoming French peace summit just days away, Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is pushing for fixed deadlines for a final status arrangement and establishment of a Palestinian state.

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After months of secret negotiations with interlocutors in the Arab world, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sees a possible comprehensive regional peace deal on the horizon.

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“It just can’t be that the same results in survey after survey among different organizations with different sample groups, time after time, are fraudulent…” We just have to figure out why we are so happy!

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A divided Republican Party, and a weakness in popularity among Republic contenders who are campaigning to become the next president of the United States, seems like a set-up for a Democratic win on the national front in November 2016

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After a six month wave of Palestinian terrorism, the pace of attacks against Israelis has slowed down.

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In waning days of his presidency, US President Obama is reportedly looking to the UN Security Council to force Israel to divide Jerusalem.

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The current wave of Palestinian violence has its familiar roots in incitement against the Jewish State of Israel.

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Is this year’s Presidential election designed to sear our conscience with a spirit of scorn?

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Few themes in the Bible are repeated more than this: When a nation turns their back on God, that nation begins a downward spiral, heading finally to its destruction.

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