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The IAEA watchdog said Thursday, November 10, it believes Iran has further increased its stockpile of highly enriched uranium as Tehran continues to bar officials from its nuclear sites


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A spokeswoman for new PM Rishi Sunak announced that the UK would not relocate its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a move recently under consideration by former PM Liz Truss.

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Benjamin Netanyahu delivered his apparent victory speech early Wednesday, November 2, thanking supporters for giving him and his bloc a “massive vote of confidence.”

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With the U.S. looking over their shoulders, Israeli and Lebanese negotiating teams sign maritime boundary agreement on Thursday, October 27.


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Former treasury chief Rishi Sunak became Britain’s prime minister on Tuesday, October 25. U.S. elections follow in two weeks. Both are critical to Israel.

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Israeli forces devastated an Iranian airbase recently, destroying hundreds of drone aircraft in a massive airstrike, Ha’aretz reported Tuesday morning, March 15.

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Israel on Tuesday, October 18, slammed the Australian government’s announcement that it will not recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

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US President Biden has embraced Abraham Accords-style peace between Israel and regional neighbors and a two-state solution for Israel-Palestine with pre-1967 borders.


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Two senior UK Christian authorities have stirred a political caldron over the potential decision of PM Liz Truss to move the British Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

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Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal said on Monday, October 3, there is no point in negotiating with Israel since jihad is what will lead to the “conquest of Palestine.”

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