Israel Updates

In reality, the White House continues to sit passively while the bloody war in Syria rages on.

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Looking at the condition of Syria today, with over 70,000 people dead and millions displaced from their homes, along with the horrors and atrocities associated with war, one wonders how worse it can get.

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With the hopeful Passover greeting of “Next Year in Jerusalem”, many Jews have been contemplating how the recent visit to Israel by U.S. President Barack Obama will affect the U.S.-Israel relationship in years to come.

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One of the key focuses of the new Israeli government, formed after the January 22nd national election, will be Jerusalem’s relationship with Cairo.

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Today, 1,000,000 Israelis live in the line of constant fire of rockets from Gaza, which average three launches a day.

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One of the key focuses of the new Israeli government, formed after the January 22nd national election, will be Jerusalem’s relationship with Cairo.

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There is one phrase that every media network in the world knows and uses — “occupied territory.”

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Current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to form the next government, leading the nation as Israel’s prime minister into 2017, if his new government lasts that long.

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