Israel Updates

When Yasser Arafat died in 2004, the West believed there was an opportunity for peace. Pressured to evacuate Gaza, Israel bowed to demands, with democratic elections following. Then something unforeseen happened. Hamas won the election.

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Watch my prayer for you from the Western Wall in Jerusalem, Israel.

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It took the EU five days to issue a statement condemning the recent kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers in the West Bank.

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Here are the Biblical ramifications of Presbyterian Church (USA)’s recent decision to protest Israel for not giving up the land God gave to them.

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A closely guarded secret prediction from Vilna Gaon, a great 18th Century Rabbi known as the genius of Vilnius, stated…

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When Abbas moved to merge Fatah with Hamas, Netanyahu immediately ended the already disintegrating peace negotiations.

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Death could not hold Jesus. Here’s how Jesus’ resurrection impacts you today.

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Officials in the IDF (Israel’s Defense Forces) have repeatedly used the media to warn Israel’s Treasury and Ministry of Finance that defense cuts are compromising Israel’s military capabilities.

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Jesus was nailed to a cross. His lifeless body was placed in a tomb. It looked like the enemy had won. But that’s not the end of the story

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Israel’s neighboring enemies of Israel have turned on themselves while the UN’s Human Rights Council defames its mission and itself.

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