Israel Updates

TikTok’s allure leads astray the faithful, casting shadows on the very foundations of belief….
Social Media logo with the text

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UNWRA-Hamas links exposed: Latest updates…
Jewish flag with text

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UNRWA funding suspended over Hamas attack: Latest updates…
Jewish flag with text

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UNRWA funding freeze amid allegations of Hamas ties…
Jewish flag with text

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North Korea’s weapons deal with Hamas Exposed: Hockey glory and diplomatic wins…
Jewish flag with text

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Gazans to IDF: Hamas steals UNRWA food, kills civilians who ask for aid…
Gaza Food Crisis

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1,800% surge in ‘Kill Jews’ Google searches globally…
Antisemitic search

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War may continue for years to come, warns senior Israeli official…
Israeli Map

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Hamas rejects Israeli ceasefire-hostage proposal…
Man holding a paper that reads Proposal: declined

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