Israel Updates

After a six month wave of Palestinian terrorism, the pace of attacks against Israelis has slowed down.

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The devil’s worst nightmare is about to come true.

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In waning days of his presidency, US President Obama is reportedly looking to the UN Security Council to force Israel to divide Jerusalem.

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The current wave of Palestinian violence has its familiar roots in incitement against the Jewish State of Israel.

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Few themes in the Bible are repeated more than this: When a nation turns their back on God, that nation begins a downward spiral, heading finally to its destruction.

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Netanyahu began his annual New Year’s speech to the press emphasizing the systematic bias against Israel at the UN.

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Israel’s alleged air strike in Syria, December 19, 2015, which killed Lebanese arch terrorist Samir Kuntar was, most likely, planned over a long period of time.

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Israel recently marked November 29, 2015 as 68 years since the UN recognition of a Jewish State in the land of Israel.

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Despite attempts by Israeli officials to stop incitement and violence, which began on the Temple Mount during Israel’s biblical Fall Feasts, the Palestinians have expanded their attacks.

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Violence on the Temple Mount in Israel continues to disrupt the status quo, as Muslim rioters launch attacks from the Al Aksa Mosque against the Israeli police, locals and tourists visiting the site.

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