Israel Updates

The Israeli Knesset on 7 Feb. 2017 voted in favor of legislation that would see thousands of housing units in Judea and Samaria outposts legalized.

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Thriving Jewish communities were ethnically-cleansed by Arab forces in the early 20th century during the British occupation which followed World War I.

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Dr. Michael Brown shares key insights on the modern state of Israel.

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The glaring facts of a global rise in anti-Semitism has brought home news to Jews in Israel and abroad that the world is still full of Holocaust deniers, racists and haters of the Jewish People.

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As today’s younger generation becomes ever more secular (pagan), the love for the people who gave the world the Bible is weakening. Furthermore, as American Jews become more secular, their love for the state of Israel is also waning.

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The anti-settlement resolution that was passed in the UN Security Council during Israel’s Shabbat eve, on December 23, 2016, was a game changer in international diplomacy.

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While the world is focusing its attention on the upcoming U.S. elections, the Cold War between America and Russia escalates.

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There are titanic shifts taking place in Washington D.C. Under the watch of President Barack Obama, a flock of Muslim aides and advisors have been welcomed into the White House.

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