Esther – The End Time Book to the Church (Digital Download) by Sid Roth; Code: 1924D
By Sid Roth
Digital Download version!
Esther – The End Time Book to the Church. Most think Revelation is the End Time book to the Church. But Sid believes it is the book of Esther! Why? Because Esther is a type of the last days’ Church. Here are a few of the parallels:
- Esther was an orphan. Gentile believers were strangers to the covenants before being grafted in.
- Esther hid her Jewish connection. The Church has hidden its Jewish connection.
- Because of Esther’s willingness to go to the king, the Jewish people were spared. Today, it is the Church that must go to the King of Kings to intercede for the salvation of the Jewish people.
Your spirit will soar as you hear and understand your role in God’s plan to revive His chosen people in these last days.
These words from Esther’s cousin Mordecai are just a timely for us today as they were for Esther centuries ago:
“If you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14).
Sid Roth has a passion for people to experience the power of God for the purpose of having intimacy with Him. He is a pioneer in the convergence of Jews and Christians in Messiah Jesus that brings about an explosion of God’s power. His television programs It’s Supernatural! documents miracles and is viewed internationally.