Why Haven’t I Been Healed?
February 23, 2006
“Some people get miracles of healing. What about the ones who don’t?” Sid Roth recently put this question to Dr. Roger Sapp, an expert on supernatural healing, in a radio interview for Messianic Vision. He was referring to all the good people who believe God for healing, but who continue to suffer – people who have received prayer for healing, and who have tried to believe, but who still have not received what they hope for.
Roger is a good person to ask about miracles of healing. God has given him the mission of equipping the rest of us to do the same works Jesus did. He has spent two years meditating on every detail of the healing miracles of Jesus, and has written a power-filled book called Performing Miracles and Healing. Under his ministry, he says that 200-300 people a month find healing from cancer, paralysis, blindness and just about every other disease that can be named. The quotes in the following passage summarize portions of Roger’s radio interview with Messianic Vision.
In answering Sid’s question, Roger says “Mature believers often have a harder time receiving a miracle than new believers because they may have been taught things that aren’t scripturally correct. For example, they may have been wrongly taught that God does not heal today, that He wants us to be sick to teach us something, or that we have to wait for some special timing. Study of the Gospels shows these things just are not true.”
“What is true is that Jesus paid every single penalty for our sin when He died on the cross. He took our sicknesses so that we don’t have to. That is one of the reasons the Gospels are called the Good News.”
“If you are a believer in Messiah, healing is your inheritance. Healing flows because of what Jesus has done and who He is. You do not have to deserve it. You do not have to be a saint to have a miracle. All you have to do is get doubt out of the way. The best way to do that is to go straight to the Gospels and learn from the Master. Study the Gospels until you are convinced that it is God’s will for you to be healed.”
“The Good News is for everyone. When Jesus healed the multitudes, He healed everyone who was present, and that included people just like us. He never turned anyone way who wanted healing.”
“Doubt is the main thing that prevents healing from flowing. We may doubt whether the scriptures actually teach healing, or we may wonder if it is true for us personally. Once a person gets scriptural teaching and understands his or her inheritance, the scriptural doubt is resolved and it is a matter of getting rid of the personal doubt.”
“Anyone, even strong believers, can have personal doubt. I knew a healing minister who saw miracles when he prayed for others, but when he got cancer, he could not receive healing for himself. As we talked, he realized that he really felt unworthy of being healed. Once that he dealt with that, healing began to flow, and his cancer disappeared.”
In another example, Roger describes a stroke survivor with a withered right side, who came in a wheelchair for prayer. Roger had prayed, but healing just was not flowing. When Roger asked him to say why he thought he was not being healed, the man talked about sin he had committed in the past, and that, down deep, he felt his paralysis was a punishment for this past sin. Once he identified his doubt, he received both forgiveness and complete healing for his paralysis. He walked away from that meeting completely restored.
Roger says, “When I minister to people who can’t seem to receive, I usually ask ‘Why do you think you are not being healed?’ The most common answers people give are that they feel unworthy, that their faith is not strong enough, or that God wants to teach them something. It is easy to see how beliefs like these could prevent healing from flowing.
“When we get rid of our personal doubt, we get our eyes off ourselves and on to Jesus. He is the healer. Healing happens because of who He is, not who we are. As we look to Him, healing begins to flow. I have seen this happen thousands of times.”
In James 5:16 we read, “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.” KJV.
According to Dr. Roger Sapp, our best hope to get our own healing miracle is to search ourselves deeply to answer two questions: (1) ‘Am I convinced from my study of the scriptures that healing is a spiritual reality?’, and (2) ‘If I am convinced it is a spiritual reality, why do I think it is not manifesting in my life?’ When we uncover hidden doubts, we can get rid of the barriers that separate us from the life-giving presence of Jesus, and we will be able to say, “I’ve got it! I’ve got my miracle!”
Linda Josef is a Christian psychologist. She experienced the healing power of God in one of Sid Roth’s healing services. Since then, she has co-authored two books with Sid, including Supernatural Healing and Stories of Supernatural Healing.