“Draw Water from Yeshua’s Well” by Sue Towne
Rosh HaShanah (the Jewish New Year) is a great time to stop, be still, and listen for the LordÂ’s direction for the coming year. I urge you to think now about planning some special retreat days this month, if you havenÂ’t already done so.
Even if you can’t get away to a quiet retreat house or church camp, etc., do schedule some days—some mornings and afternoons—that are just for the Lord. Go to a quiet library for the day. Or schedule a day at a botanical garden or arboretum. Leave the cell phone at home. Take your Bible and your journal and go listen.
Whether He gives you specific detailed direction or “just” spends time filling you with His love, you’ll return from those times renewed and re-energized. And by all means plan to take similar times alone with Him throughout the year. We all need to stop and draw water from Yeshua’s well.
“Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation” (Isaiah 12:3).