Part 4: You are more

Does it feel like your life is too far gone... ruined? If it does, that’s exactly where the enemy wants you. His plan is to continue to lie to you, to deceive you, and keep you in a place of bondage. It’s in this place that you can begin to develop a victim mindset.

If you begin to tell your life story and over and over again it’s framed by all the bad things that have happened to you, and all the bad stuff that you have done, it’s possible you’re believing a lie of the enemy that the truest thing about you is all the trauma that you have experienced. Well, friend, that’s a lie. And it’s time to crush it right now.

We’ve all been there. But you are not defined by your history. By what you have done. Or by what has been done to you. You are defined by your Father God. And he calls you His beloved child! In this video, Dr. Mike Hutchings is going to instruct you on how to step out of a victim mindset and into an overcoming mindset.

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What People Are Saying

"I realized that fear and anxiety wasn’t actually a part of who I was. I had learned to cope and thought that it was something that would get better on it’s own."

"You can be healed from anything! I was healed from things I thought I was going to have to live with for the rest of my life"

"There is nothing greater than seeing who you really are through God's eyes, and the love and plans that he has for you."