Your Exclusive Sneak Peek of

Bring the Adventure to Your Home!


The adventures of Supernatural Sid start here! Episode #1, “The Miracle Birth of Jesus,” is not just a Christmas story. This Collector's Edition is unlike any other animated Christmas story you've ever seen!

Your adventures begin as Supernatural Sid invents virtual glasses to take his niece and nephew, Miriam and Sol, into the times of the Bible. Though their eyes your children will learn WHY Jesus was born and HOW ancient Bible prophecies promised His birth, ministry and miracle resurrection.

Supernatural Sid's very first episode goes all the way back to:

  • Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden
  • Moses and the deliverance of Israel at the Red Sea

And the rest is history? No, no, no! It's the beginning of relationship—through Jesus—with Father God and the Holy Spirit! Supernatural Sid presents the real Jesus that your children need to know, not blurred or watered down by the culture around us today.

Pre-order your own DVD/Blu-Ray copy for $50 and support us continuing the adventures of Supernatural Sid!

Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.

Are we excited? Yes! And you will be too when you start your own adventures with Supernatural Sid!


Save up to $75 off when you order multiple copies of Supernatural Sid for the children in your life!

Two Copies for $75—Save $25!

Three Copies for $100— Save $50!

Four Copies for $125— Save $75!