Supernatural Sid Trilogy (3 Blu-rays, 3 DVDs & Streaming Access) by Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! Code: 10059
By Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!
Your Adventure with SUPERNATURAL SID Starts Here!

Join Sol and Miriam, two adventurous children, and their uncle, Supernatural Sid, on an extraordinary journey back in time. Through the use of supernatural virtual glasses, they witness the miracle birth of Jesus, His miracle ministry and His resurrection! This unique animated Bible series will mentor and challenge your children and grandchildren to have an intimate experiential relationship with God. They will not only learn to explore the greatest life-changing stories in the Bible, but they will understand how to walk in the supernatural of God every day!
These three animated episodes cover: The Miracle Birth of Jesus, The Miracle Ministry of Jesus and The Resurrection Power of Jesus. But what makes this trilogy so unique is it mentors and challenges young people to do the same works as Jesus and even greater (John 14:12)!
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