1 00:00:00,067 --> 00:00:00,668 [Applause] 2 00:00:00,668 --> 00:00:02,800 SR: Hello. Sid Roth here. 3 00:00:02,800 --> 00:00:08,160 Welcome to my world, where it's naturally supernatural. 4 00:00:08,160 --> 00:00:12,110 My guest was a leader at the great Brownsville Revival. 5 00:00:12,800 --> 00:00:16,650 Very few true believers in this generation 6 00:00:16,650 --> 00:00:20,160 have seen what he saw with his very own eyes. 7 00:00:20,910 --> 00:00:24,790 Why is this so important at this time? 8 00:00:25,500 --> 00:00:29,220 It's about to be released again! 9 00:00:29,220 --> 00:00:34,800 Except one thousand times stronger. Next. 10 00:00:34,800 --> 00:00:36,000 [Music] 11 00:00:36,000 --> 00:00:38,950 >> Sid Roth has spent over 40 years 12 00:00:38,950 --> 00:00:42,420 researching the strange world of the supernatural. 13 00:00:44,000 --> 00:00:48,045 Join Sid for this edition of, "It's Supernatural!" 14 00:00:48,045 --> 00:00:52,090 [Applause] 15 00:00:52,090 --> 00:00:54,520 SR: Welcome. Welcome, Holy Spirit. 16 00:00:55,340 --> 00:00:59,990 Thank you for being our most gracious, important guest. 17 00:00:59,990 --> 00:01:02,590 Dr. Michael Brown is Jewish, 18 00:01:03,100 --> 00:01:06,060 has a doctorate from New York University, 19 00:01:06,060 --> 00:01:08,490 he speaks, reads and writes 20 00:01:08,490 --> 00:01:11,660 over a half a dozen Sematic languages, 21 00:01:11,660 --> 00:01:14,140 and is considered one of the top 22 00:01:14,140 --> 00:01:16,770 Hebrew Biblical scholars in the world. 23 00:01:17,350 --> 00:01:21,610 He has authored 10 books on revival, 24 00:01:21,610 --> 00:01:25,500 and experienced three revivals personally. 25 00:01:26,210 --> 00:01:32,670 Now, he says God has shown him the next move of God's Spirit. 26 00:01:32,670 --> 00:01:34,670 I want Mike to tell us 27 00:01:34,670 --> 00:01:41,070 how a Jewish New York Supreme Court Judge's son 28 00:01:41,690 --> 00:01:48,010 became radical for Jesus, and then to top it off, 29 00:01:48,010 --> 00:01:51,650 he becomes a renowned Sematic scholar, 30 00:01:51,650 --> 00:01:57,910 concentrating on proving Jesus is the Jewish Messiah. 31 00:01:58,770 --> 00:02:01,790 Mike, how did this all happen, briefly? 32 00:02:01,790 --> 00:02:06,060 I've seen pictures with you having not gray hair, 33 00:02:06,060 --> 00:02:10,180 not the short hair, but you had it full blazes! 34 00:02:10,180 --> 00:02:11,420 MB: Oh, yeah. 35 00:02:11,420 --> 00:02:13,680 When my wife, Nancy, saw an older picture of me, 36 00:02:13,680 --> 00:02:16,840 because she didn't know me in the hippy days, she started laughing. 37 00:02:16,840 --> 00:02:18,580 I said, "You're laughing because I look like a woman." 38 00:02:18,580 --> 00:02:19,810 She said, "No, I'm laughing 39 00:02:19,810 --> 00:02:22,060 because you look like an ugly woman!" [Laughter] 40 00:02:22,060 --> 00:02:23,380 SR: Oh, no! 41 00:02:23,380 --> 00:02:25,070 MB: So here's the deal. 42 00:02:25,070 --> 00:02:27,870 I was raised in a nominal Jewish home, 43 00:02:27,870 --> 00:02:30,490 so I was bar mitzvah'd at 13, and so on, 44 00:02:30,490 --> 00:02:31,820 but we weren't religious Jews, 45 00:02:31,820 --> 00:02:34,630 we didn't go to synagogue every Sabbath or keep the dietary list. 46 00:02:34,630 --> 00:02:36,850 But I'm Jewish, I don't believe in Jesus. 47 00:02:36,850 --> 00:02:38,690 I get caught up in the counter-culture movement, 48 00:02:38,690 --> 00:02:41,890 started getting high at 14, shooting heroin at 15. 49 00:02:41,890 --> 00:02:44,350 My two best friends started going to a church. 50 00:02:44,350 --> 00:02:47,140 They got born again. I went to pull them out. 51 00:02:47,140 --> 00:02:48,470 The people started praying for me. 52 00:02:48,470 --> 00:02:50,870 The Holy Spirit convicted me of sin. 53 00:02:50,870 --> 00:02:53,830 And then the end of 1971, I met the Lord. 54 00:02:53,830 --> 00:02:55,540 I was instantly transformed. 55 00:02:55,540 --> 00:02:58,190 I said, I will never put a needle in my arm again. 56 00:02:58,190 --> 00:02:59,430 December 17th, 57 00:02:59,430 --> 00:03:02,900 '71, free from that moment on by the Power of God. 58 00:03:02,900 --> 00:03:04,830 And some days later, my dad said, 59 00:03:04,830 --> 00:03:09,140 "Michael, I'm glad you're off drugs, but we're Jews. 60 00:03:09,140 --> 00:03:12,320 We don't believe this. You need to talk to the Rabbi." 61 00:03:12,320 --> 00:03:14,040 So I become friends with the local Rabbi, 62 00:03:14,040 --> 00:03:15,640 I want to share Jesus with everybody, right? 63 00:03:15,640 --> 00:03:16,880 SR: Of course. 64 00:03:16,880 --> 00:03:18,580 MB: And we begin talking back and forth, 65 00:03:18,580 --> 00:03:20,380 and he says, "How can you tell us what to believe? 66 00:03:20,380 --> 00:03:21,600 You don't know Hebrew." 67 00:03:21,600 --> 00:03:23,420 I said, "Well, I'm using this dictionary-" 68 00:03:23,420 --> 00:03:26,020 He goes, "Forget it! In the meantime, shmeantime," 69 00:03:26,020 --> 00:03:27,510 he said, "You need to know Hebrew. 70 00:03:27,510 --> 00:03:28,930 You can't teach us anything!" 71 00:03:28,930 --> 00:03:30,140 So I was provoked. 72 00:03:30,140 --> 00:03:33,060 I knew Jesus had changed my life, I knew it was real, 73 00:03:33,060 --> 00:03:34,670 but how can I talk to these Rabbis 74 00:03:34,670 --> 00:03:35,980 and these learned ones that said 75 00:03:35,980 --> 00:03:37,900 the New Testament mistranslated the Old? 76 00:03:37,900 --> 00:03:39,490 And I didn't know what I was talking about. 77 00:03:39,490 --> 00:03:41,440 And you couldn't rely on the English translation. 78 00:03:41,440 --> 00:03:44,160 So I majored in Hebrew in college, 79 00:03:44,160 --> 00:03:47,880 and then I got a master's and a PhD at New York University, 80 00:03:47,880 --> 00:03:49,100 and their Eastern languages and 81 00:03:49,100 --> 00:03:50,300 literature, because I said, 82 00:03:50,300 --> 00:03:53,230 "I need to be able to read it and study it for myself. 83 00:03:53,230 --> 00:03:56,230 I can't rely on another commentary, another dictionary." 84 00:03:56,230 --> 00:03:59,120 And then everyone I studied with all through my school, 85 00:03:59,120 --> 00:04:00,780 no one believed what I believed. 86 00:04:00,780 --> 00:04:03,210 I never studied with someone who believed the things I believed, 87 00:04:03,210 --> 00:04:05,730 so I was challenged every single day. 88 00:04:05,730 --> 00:04:09,400 For years, I met with Rabbi after Rabbi, ultra-orthodox Rabbis, 89 00:04:09,400 --> 00:04:11,870 and the more I studied, the clearer it became. 90 00:04:11,870 --> 00:04:15,040 The more I dug, the more I found, whoa! 91 00:04:15,040 --> 00:04:17,800 This is amaze-- the deeper you dig, 92 00:04:17,800 --> 00:04:20,510 the clearer it becomes! Jesus, Yeshua is the Messiah. 93 00:04:20,510 --> 00:04:22,660 Sid, I believe I've had the privilege 94 00:04:22,660 --> 00:04:25,490 of debating more Rabbis, public debates about 95 00:04:25,490 --> 00:04:29,380 Jesus being the Messiah than any human being on the planet today. 96 00:04:29,380 --> 00:04:30,770 There's only one problem. 97 00:04:30,770 --> 00:04:32,010 SR: What? 98 00:04:32,010 --> 00:04:33,720 MB: I can't get anyone to debate me! 99 00:04:33,720 --> 00:04:36,070 SR: Dr. Michael Brown will explain 100 00:04:36,070 --> 00:04:40,670 why we should know about past revivals, 101 00:04:40,670 --> 00:04:44,120 and God's outpouring of His glory. 102 00:04:44,630 --> 00:04:52,000 Why his strong warning about putting God in a box, 103 00:04:52,000 --> 00:04:55,490 and his experience with three revivals 104 00:04:55,490 --> 00:05:00,860 and his eyewitness report of major miracles. 105 00:05:02,030 --> 00:05:05,460 MB: So Sid, when we go back and read The Word, 106 00:05:05,460 --> 00:05:07,440 we find out who God is. 107 00:05:07,440 --> 00:05:10,120 And we find out what He does, the kind of God 108 00:05:10,120 --> 00:05:13,950 He is, and that builds our faith. Why not now? Why not here? 109 00:05:13,950 --> 00:05:16,440 So I would read about the past revivals. 110 00:05:16,440 --> 00:05:18,640 I'd hear about the glory coming out in the Welsh Revival 111 00:05:18,640 --> 00:05:23,070 in 1904-1905, the Hebrides Revival 1949 to 1952, 112 00:05:23,070 --> 00:05:24,980 and you hear about God's sovereignly saving. 113 00:05:24,980 --> 00:05:26,460 You hear about crime rates dropping. 114 00:05:26,460 --> 00:05:28,320 You hear about judges wearing white gloves, 115 00:05:28,320 --> 00:05:30,210 because they had no more cases to try. 116 00:05:30,210 --> 00:05:32,660 You hear about men in the bars going to have a drink, 117 00:05:32,660 --> 00:05:34,570 and they couldn't, because they were under conviction, 118 00:05:34,570 --> 00:05:35,810 because their wives were praying. 119 00:05:35,810 --> 00:05:38,320 And they fall on the street and get saved and cry out, 120 00:05:38,320 --> 00:05:40,310 and you say, "Lord, where is it?" 121 00:05:40,310 --> 00:05:43,140 One -- it's not a matter of being nostalgic, 122 00:05:43,140 --> 00:05:44,550 you say, why not again? 123 00:05:44,550 --> 00:05:47,640 The Jesus People Movement when so many of us got saved late 124 00:05:47,640 --> 00:05:49,430 '60s, early '70s, 125 00:05:49,430 --> 00:05:51,240 among the highest number getting saved, 126 00:05:51,240 --> 00:05:53,340 for us Jews, hippies, radicals, 127 00:05:53,340 --> 00:05:55,490 rebels all over the world, sovereignly saved. 128 00:05:55,490 --> 00:05:57,750 You say, "Lord, we need to have that again. 129 00:05:57,750 --> 00:06:01,920 We need to see it again." I am an eyewitness. 130 00:06:01,920 --> 00:06:05,860 I prayed, I fasted, I groaned, I cried for years. 131 00:06:05,860 --> 00:06:08,670 God showed me in the spring of 1983, 132 00:06:08,670 --> 00:06:11,930 I was virtually unknown, just doing my PhD work. 133 00:06:11,930 --> 00:06:13,700 God had radicalized my own life 134 00:06:13,700 --> 00:06:15,130 with a fresh outpouring of the Spirit, 135 00:06:15,130 --> 00:06:17,250 because Sid, along the way to my doctorate, 136 00:06:17,250 --> 00:06:19,790 I was getting intellectually, theologically proud. 137 00:06:19,790 --> 00:06:23,210 I was embarrassed of my charismatic Pentecostal roots. 138 00:06:23,210 --> 00:06:27,530 God rocked my world, brought me to repentance, sanctifier. 139 00:06:27,530 --> 00:06:29,290 Brought me back to my first love. 140 00:06:29,290 --> 00:06:32,310 The fire fell in our church. The church ended up rejecting 141 00:06:32,310 --> 00:06:35,310 what God was going after months of outpouring. 142 00:06:35,310 --> 00:06:36,540 And God spoke to me, 143 00:06:36,540 --> 00:06:39,270 "You'll be in a revival that will touch the whole world." 144 00:06:39,270 --> 00:06:41,820 First I thought, I'm crazy. It's not the case. 145 00:06:41,820 --> 00:06:44,360 The more I prayed, the more angst, 146 00:06:44,360 --> 00:06:45,610 the more He made it clear. 147 00:06:45,610 --> 00:06:48,550 Thirteen years, I held to it, I cried out. 148 00:06:48,550 --> 00:06:50,310 And then Brown's Revival, 149 00:06:50,310 --> 00:06:53,210 God brought me right in the thick of that. 150 00:06:53,210 --> 00:06:56,320 And I can tell you what I saw with my own eyes. 151 00:06:56,320 --> 00:06:58,910 I can tell you stories of people that I knew, 152 00:06:58,910 --> 00:07:01,710 knew the people, you know, one night, these two Playboy 153 00:07:01,710 --> 00:07:03,630 Bunnies, they're in Pensacola, Florida, 154 00:07:03,630 --> 00:07:06,210 there was going to be a photo shoot there on the beaches. 155 00:07:06,210 --> 00:07:09,300 Hurricane-like weather cancels it, so they got a free night. 156 00:07:09,300 --> 00:07:12,400 They hire a taxi -- where is the action in Pensacola? 157 00:07:12,400 --> 00:07:13,670 SR: Playboy Bunnies? 158 00:07:13,670 --> 00:07:14,890 MB: Playboy Bunnies. 159 00:07:14,890 --> 00:07:16,970 The driver says, "The church in Pensacola!" 160 00:07:16,970 --> 00:07:20,070 And he drives into the church, that's where the action is! 161 00:07:20,070 --> 00:07:21,650 [Laughter] The end of the service, 162 00:07:21,650 --> 00:07:24,290 they're there weeping and shaking in repentance. 163 00:07:24,290 --> 00:07:25,580 John Kilpatrick, the pastor, 164 00:07:25,580 --> 00:07:27,730 goes over to see what's going on with these ladies. 165 00:07:27,730 --> 00:07:31,140 One of them says, "We feel like God shook the hell out of us!" 166 00:07:31,140 --> 00:07:33,430 One of my friends got to know one of the ladies well, 167 00:07:33,430 --> 00:07:35,490 I mean, they came under conviction, they read The Word. 168 00:07:35,490 --> 00:07:37,430 They said, "We can't do what we were doing anymore." 169 00:07:37,430 --> 00:07:39,520 One of them got to know them well for years. 170 00:07:39,520 --> 00:07:40,870 A guy comes into the church, 171 00:07:40,870 --> 00:07:43,420 the son of an Assembly of God pastor. 172 00:07:43,420 --> 00:07:47,050 He's openly homosexual, he's in relationship with a gay man. 173 00:07:47,050 --> 00:07:50,140 He's angry with God, he's angry with Brownsville 174 00:07:50,140 --> 00:07:51,580 because of what God's doing there. 175 00:07:51,580 --> 00:07:54,600 But obviously something's happening in the man's heart. 176 00:07:54,600 --> 00:07:56,720 He walks into the building, 177 00:07:56,720 --> 00:08:00,360 the Power of God hits him in the vestibule of the building. 178 00:08:00,360 --> 00:08:03,130 He's laid out there. The ushers carry him 179 00:08:03,130 --> 00:08:05,690 and lay him in the front of the building at the altar, 180 00:08:05,690 --> 00:08:07,190 where he stays the whole night, 181 00:08:07,190 --> 00:08:09,680 gets radically born again and changed. 182 00:08:09,680 --> 00:08:11,350 A friend of mine has known him for years, 183 00:08:11,350 --> 00:08:14,010 a transformed man by the Power of God. 184 00:08:14,010 --> 00:08:15,490 This is the kind of stuff that happened -- 185 00:08:15,490 --> 00:08:19,080 SR: You mean just laying under the Power of God, 186 00:08:19,080 --> 00:08:21,530 a lifestyle of homosexuality -- 187 00:08:21,530 --> 00:08:24,740 sexual activity was just lifted from him? 188 00:08:24,740 --> 00:08:27,440 MB: The Spirit of God, the piercing Word of God, 189 00:08:27,440 --> 00:08:29,040 the call for repentance. 190 00:08:29,040 --> 00:08:31,690 The man opens his heart and is radically transformed. 191 00:08:32,280 --> 00:08:35,130 I'm preaching in a church in New Jersey some years ago, 192 00:08:35,130 --> 00:08:36,650 the Spirit's moving powerfully. 193 00:08:36,650 --> 00:08:39,080 The pastor says, "You need to hear our story." 194 00:08:39,080 --> 00:08:42,580 He said, "Five of us pastors went down to Pensacola, 195 00:08:42,580 --> 00:08:45,200 we were in the services, we enjoyed the meetings. 196 00:08:45,200 --> 00:08:47,990 We were blessed. But we left disappointed. 197 00:08:47,990 --> 00:08:49,890 We were expecting more. 198 00:08:49,890 --> 00:08:52,900 We get on the plane to fly back Sunday afternoon, 199 00:08:52,900 --> 00:08:55,620 we're going to be at our Sunday night service at the church. 200 00:08:55,620 --> 00:08:59,440 We bought five tickets together, somehow they're all separated. 201 00:08:59,440 --> 00:09:02,410 We get on the plane, it's a short flight to Atlanta 202 00:09:02,410 --> 00:09:03,750 and we transfer planes." 203 00:09:03,750 --> 00:09:07,070 He said, "As I sit down and the plane's about to take off, 204 00:09:07,070 --> 00:09:08,450 the Spirit falls on me, 205 00:09:08,450 --> 00:09:10,740 and I begin weeping on the plane." 206 00:09:10,740 --> 00:09:13,030 He can't wait to get off to tell the others, 207 00:09:13,030 --> 00:09:17,020 only to find out it happened to all five simultaneously, 208 00:09:17,020 --> 00:09:18,670 separately on the plane. [Applause] 209 00:09:18,670 --> 00:09:19,930 It was God's way of saying, 210 00:09:19,930 --> 00:09:22,496 "It's not the crowds, it's not the hype. 211 00:09:22,496 --> 00:09:24,220 It's my Spirit." 212 00:09:24,220 --> 00:09:26,460 He goes, "From there, the Spirit falls in their church." 213 00:09:26,460 --> 00:09:29,220 Two years later, they were still in an outpouring. 214 00:09:29,220 --> 00:09:31,420 I mean, I heard this day and night, 215 00:09:31,420 --> 00:09:34,260 the most dramatic story I was involved with, 216 00:09:34,260 --> 00:09:35,940 in the middle of nowhere in Canada -- 217 00:09:35,940 --> 00:09:38,440 why we ended up there, who knows? 218 00:09:38,440 --> 00:09:40,340 There were some First Nation people, 219 00:09:40,340 --> 00:09:43,950 some native Canadians there. They had come very discouraged. 220 00:09:43,950 --> 00:09:47,390 They were on a reserve, a reservation, with 1200 people. 221 00:09:47,390 --> 00:09:48,850 A little church had gone through a split, 222 00:09:48,850 --> 00:09:50,110 and now they had two little churches. 223 00:09:50,110 --> 00:09:51,320 SR: Hmm. 224 00:09:51,320 --> 00:09:52,790 MB: They were among a thousand people 225 00:09:52,790 --> 00:09:54,360 that heard the message that night. I laid 226 00:09:54,360 --> 00:09:57,630 hands on every one of them. But something happened in them. 227 00:09:57,630 --> 00:09:59,270 One year later -- I had this confirmed 228 00:09:59,270 --> 00:10:02,170 by three independent eyewitnesses -- 229 00:10:02,170 --> 00:10:05,790 one year later, they had been going with meetings night 230 00:10:05,790 --> 00:10:07,300 after night after night, 231 00:10:07,300 --> 00:10:09,700 because the Spirit fell one year later, 232 00:10:09,700 --> 00:10:15,450 1150 out of the 1200 on the reserve had come to Jesus. 233 00:10:15,450 --> 00:10:18,730 That's God. That only happens when the Spirit works. 234 00:10:18,730 --> 00:10:21,620 And that's why we say, "Do it again, God! 235 00:10:21,620 --> 00:10:24,330 If you can do that, if in a few months 236 00:10:24,330 --> 00:10:27,920 the work of years and decades could take place" -- 237 00:10:27,920 --> 00:10:29,440 we launched a missions move in that, 238 00:10:29,440 --> 00:10:30,710 raised up a ministry school. 239 00:10:30,710 --> 00:10:32,540 Some of our missionaries have been on the road 240 00:10:32,540 --> 00:10:35,260 now for 25 years overseas, 241 00:10:35,260 --> 00:10:37,220 and they're seeing God change lives. 242 00:10:37,220 --> 00:10:39,270 That's the lasting fruit of revival. 243 00:10:39,270 --> 00:10:42,950 We must have it again today. The situation in America, 244 00:10:42,950 --> 00:10:45,160 in the world, is more urgent than it ever is. 245 00:10:45,160 --> 00:10:46,950 God's going to move with greater urgency than ever. 246 00:10:46,950 --> 00:10:48,150 [Applause] 247 00:10:48,150 --> 00:10:50,960 SR: And very briefly, 248 00:10:50,960 --> 00:10:55,540 what do you mean when you say, "Don't put God in a box"? 249 00:10:56,710 --> 00:10:58,020 MB: When God moves, 250 00:10:58,020 --> 00:11:00,620 when He shakes us out of the wrong place, 251 00:11:00,620 --> 00:11:03,320 it almost always gets us out of our comfort zone. 252 00:11:03,950 --> 00:11:06,120 When Jesus, He lifts it -- why did 253 00:11:06,120 --> 00:11:09,740 He spit on dirt and turn it into mud? 254 00:11:09,740 --> 00:11:13,080 Why did He spit on a guy's eyes? Why did 255 00:11:13,080 --> 00:11:15,260 He do that? Why did He try to -- 256 00:11:15,260 --> 00:11:18,450 SR: If He did it today, they'd say, "You're not of God!" 257 00:11:18,450 --> 00:11:20,320 MB: And magicians use spittle. 258 00:11:20,320 --> 00:11:21,790 Magicians would do it. 259 00:11:21,790 --> 00:11:24,670 The false gods, they said they had the spittle of life 260 00:11:24,670 --> 00:11:25,980 among the false gods. 261 00:11:25,980 --> 00:11:28,200 Why did he drive demons into the pigs 262 00:11:28,200 --> 00:11:30,600 and the pigs go running down and drown in the water? 263 00:11:30,600 --> 00:11:34,600 That can't be God. Show me tongues of fire. 264 00:11:34,600 --> 00:11:37,540 The moment the Spirit falls, there's division. 265 00:11:37,540 --> 00:11:39,430 God's not the author of confusion. 266 00:11:39,430 --> 00:11:42,400 He doesn't say Prophet-A, prophesy they'll be rain, 267 00:11:42,400 --> 00:11:44,540 Prophet-B prophesy there'll be no rain. 268 00:11:44,540 --> 00:11:48,790 No. But when the Spirit comes, He brings up to the surface 269 00:11:48,790 --> 00:11:50,360 what's in people's hearts and minds. 270 00:11:50,360 --> 00:11:53,220 And almost always, when the fire falls, 271 00:11:53,220 --> 00:11:54,680 just like at Pentecost, 272 00:11:54,680 --> 00:11:56,750 half of them hear the praises of God, 273 00:11:56,750 --> 00:11:59,730 and the other people, they say, "They're drunk." 274 00:11:59,730 --> 00:12:00,990 When the Spirit falls, 275 00:12:00,990 --> 00:12:03,070 either people are shaking under the Power of God 276 00:12:03,070 --> 00:12:05,470 like happened with Wesley in Whitfield, 277 00:12:05,470 --> 00:12:08,750 or falling or crying out, or demons leaving, 278 00:12:08,750 --> 00:12:10,890 there's something that's going to scandalize us. 279 00:12:10,890 --> 00:12:13,330 We like a nice little revival. 280 00:12:13,330 --> 00:12:15,090 Here's our traditional prayer for revival. 281 00:12:15,090 --> 00:12:17,780 "God, send Your power, send Your glory, 282 00:12:17,780 --> 00:12:19,500 but Lord, leave us in control." [Laughter] 283 00:12:19,500 --> 00:12:22,310 "Keep it to a convenient little hour." 284 00:12:22,310 --> 00:12:26,060 And revival is not something you turn on, you turn off. 285 00:12:26,060 --> 00:12:28,300 We use discernment, we use wisdom, but we say, 286 00:12:28,300 --> 00:12:31,320 "God, come and shake us and come and visit, 287 00:12:31,320 --> 00:12:32,850 whatever the cost or consequence, 288 00:12:32,850 --> 00:12:35,060 because that's one thing we can't live without. 289 00:12:35,060 --> 00:12:38,690 That's Your presence." [Applause] 290 00:12:38,690 --> 00:12:43,840 SR: Now, God showed Mike in 1995 291 00:12:43,840 --> 00:12:49,030 the magnitude of the power of the coming greater glory. 292 00:12:49,030 --> 00:12:53,370 It will make Niagara Falls look like a dribble. 293 00:12:53,370 --> 00:12:54,590 Be right back. [Applause] 294 00:12:54,590 --> 00:12:55,790 [Music] 295 00:12:55,790 --> 00:13:03,920 >> We will be right back to, "It's Supernatural!" 296 00:13:04,470 --> 00:13:05,952 [Music] 297 00:13:05,952 --> 00:13:07,620 MB: "Revival or We Die: 298 00:13:07,620 --> 00:13:09,720 A Great Awakening is Our Only Hope." 299 00:13:09,720 --> 00:13:15,320 This is the most important book I wrote on revival in 25 years. 300 00:13:15,320 --> 00:13:17,120 It does ignite something in you. 301 00:13:17,120 --> 00:13:20,290 It'll give you a vision of what revival looks like, 302 00:13:20,290 --> 00:13:24,110 what it's like to experience it. We take you into past revivals. 303 00:13:24,110 --> 00:13:25,480 From the Brownsville Revival, 304 00:13:25,480 --> 00:13:28,210 where I served for four and a half years, 305 00:13:28,210 --> 00:13:30,850 from the Hebrides Revival or Welsh Revival, 306 00:13:30,850 --> 00:13:32,730 or great awakenings in the past. 307 00:13:32,730 --> 00:13:34,840 And it'll create something in you that says, 308 00:13:34,840 --> 00:13:38,100 "Oh, God, Oh Lord, do it again!" 309 00:13:38,100 --> 00:13:41,080 But it's not just a cry for national revival. 310 00:13:41,080 --> 00:13:43,920 It's a cry for God to move in our own heart. 311 00:13:43,920 --> 00:13:46,520 I opened up my own heart and I talk about times 312 00:13:46,520 --> 00:13:48,540 where I left my First Love, asked 313 00:13:48,540 --> 00:13:51,310 Him to light that fire fresh in me, 314 00:13:51,310 --> 00:13:54,320 and talk about how He visited me, and revived me. 315 00:13:54,320 --> 00:13:56,870 I'm believing with you for a fresh revival, 316 00:13:56,870 --> 00:13:59,700 for a fresh spark to start in you! 317 00:14:00,360 --> 00:14:02,870 "Our Hands Are Stained With Blood: 318 00:14:02,870 --> 00:14:05,990 The Tragic Story of the Church and the Jewish people." 319 00:14:05,990 --> 00:14:07,930 This is a new, updated edition. 320 00:14:08,440 --> 00:14:11,690 This is the single most important book. 321 00:14:11,690 --> 00:14:14,160 And this had the most intense impact 322 00:14:14,160 --> 00:14:15,730 of any book that I've written. 323 00:14:15,730 --> 00:14:19,840 You will learn church history through Jewish eyes, 324 00:14:19,840 --> 00:14:21,770 the church history you never knew about. 325 00:14:21,770 --> 00:14:24,240 It's not taught from behind the pulpits. 326 00:14:24,240 --> 00:14:25,730 It will explain to you 327 00:14:25,730 --> 00:14:28,190 why there is such hatred of the Jewish people. 328 00:14:28,190 --> 00:14:32,030 It will explain the diabolical nature of anti-Semitism. 329 00:14:32,560 --> 00:14:36,570 It'll separate fact from fiction when it comes to Israel today. 330 00:14:36,570 --> 00:14:39,060 And then we tackle replacement theology, 331 00:14:39,060 --> 00:14:41,560 that the church has replaced the Jewish people, 332 00:14:41,560 --> 00:14:44,900 that the promises given to Israel now belong to the church, 333 00:14:44,900 --> 00:14:48,770 and that God is finished with Israel as a nation. 334 00:14:48,770 --> 00:14:53,580 But we will not see a saved Israel without a revived church. 335 00:14:53,580 --> 00:14:58,530 And we end with what happens when Israel gets right with God. 336 00:14:58,530 --> 00:15:00,950 It means the return of the Messiah 337 00:15:00,950 --> 00:15:02,930 and the resurrection of the dead. 338 00:15:03,490 --> 00:15:05,520 >> To experience revival in your home, 339 00:15:05,520 --> 00:15:07,830 in your life and in your community, 340 00:15:07,830 --> 00:15:11,710 this is the essential set of two books by Dr. Michael Brown 341 00:15:11,710 --> 00:15:13,460 that will ignite the fire you need. 342 00:15:14,100 --> 00:15:19,030 Just call or go online at SidRoth.org/9980 343 00:15:19,030 --> 00:15:22,720 and make your donation of $35 to get both books, 344 00:15:22,720 --> 00:15:26,750 "Revival or We Die," and the new updated edition of, 345 00:15:26,750 --> 00:15:28,800 "Our Hands are Stained with Blood." 346 00:15:28,800 --> 00:15:30,570 Shipping and handling is included. 347 00:15:31,370 --> 00:15:37,560 [Music] 348 00:15:37,560 --> 00:15:41,135 >> We now return to, "It's Supernatural!" 349 00:15:41,135 --> 00:15:44,710 [Applause] 350 00:15:44,710 --> 00:15:46,350 SR: I told Dr. Brown 351 00:15:46,350 --> 00:15:50,360 before we got back on the air the most important, 352 00:15:50,360 --> 00:15:54,920 in my opinion, question I'm going to ask him is right now. 353 00:15:56,540 --> 00:15:59,480 Why do you say repentance, 354 00:15:59,480 --> 00:16:03,100 or turning from sin, is so important? 355 00:16:03,730 --> 00:16:05,470 MB: Repentance is everything, 356 00:16:05,470 --> 00:16:07,040 not just in our relationship with God, 357 00:16:07,040 --> 00:16:09,590 but especially when we talk about revival. 358 00:16:09,590 --> 00:16:14,240 Repentance prepares the way for the visitation of God. 359 00:16:14,240 --> 00:16:16,550 Frank Bartleman, used in the Azusa Street Revival 360 00:16:16,550 --> 00:16:19,690 said that the depth of any revival will be determined 361 00:16:19,690 --> 00:16:22,910 by the spirit of repentance that is obtained. 362 00:16:23,420 --> 00:16:26,520 God comes as a refiner's fire. 363 00:16:26,520 --> 00:16:29,120 He brings to the surface all the junk, 364 00:16:29,120 --> 00:16:31,560 all the uncleanness, all the things that are all -- 365 00:16:31,560 --> 00:16:34,460 look, why do we need to be revived? 366 00:16:34,460 --> 00:16:36,400 Because we've left our First Love, 367 00:16:36,400 --> 00:16:38,310 because we've compromised with the world. 368 00:16:38,310 --> 00:16:40,340 Because we've lost the power of God, 369 00:16:40,340 --> 00:16:42,480 because we've become religious and proud. 370 00:16:42,480 --> 00:16:44,830 Because we've allowed sin to come into our lives. 371 00:16:44,830 --> 00:16:46,770 Repentance clears the way. 372 00:16:46,770 --> 00:16:48,930 Repentance is the first word of the Gospel, 373 00:16:48,930 --> 00:16:50,490 it's what John the Baptist preaches, 374 00:16:50,490 --> 00:16:53,040 what Jesus preaches, what the apostles preach. 375 00:16:53,040 --> 00:16:56,110 Paul said, "I preach that all men everywhere should repent, 376 00:16:56,110 --> 00:16:57,940 and to the churches in Asia Minor," 377 00:16:57,940 --> 00:17:00,920 five out of seven, he says, "Repent, or else." 378 00:17:00,920 --> 00:17:03,430 If you want God to come in your life, 379 00:17:03,430 --> 00:17:05,820 He will pour out a spirit of repentance. 380 00:17:05,820 --> 00:17:08,270 He will uncover things, not to condemn us, 381 00:17:08,270 --> 00:17:12,170 but to cleanse us. Not to hurt us, but to help us. 382 00:17:12,170 --> 00:17:14,230 I want to say to every single one of you, 383 00:17:14,230 --> 00:17:17,440 if you really are hungry and thirsty for God, 384 00:17:17,440 --> 00:17:19,540 it will be uncomfortable, because 385 00:17:19,540 --> 00:17:23,550 He may uncover pride or wrong motives or wrong attitudes, 386 00:17:23,550 --> 00:17:27,370 or lack of love or lack of faith. But it's all for the good. 387 00:17:27,370 --> 00:17:29,590 Let the refiner's fire do its work. 388 00:17:29,590 --> 00:17:32,270 The muck, the junk is in there anywhere. 389 00:17:32,270 --> 00:17:36,130 The Spirit will purge it out so that you can shine for God. 390 00:17:36,130 --> 00:17:38,080 And if we want God in our churches, 391 00:17:38,080 --> 00:17:40,280 the Holy Spirit will only come where 392 00:17:40,280 --> 00:17:43,320 He is welcome and where He feels at home. 393 00:17:43,320 --> 00:17:44,975 Therefore, we must deal with sin 394 00:17:44,975 --> 00:17:46,630 if we want the Glory of God. 395 00:17:47,230 --> 00:17:49,990 SR: And as I like to say, and you do too, 396 00:17:50,710 --> 00:17:55,060 I personally walk in instant repentance. Why? 397 00:17:55,830 --> 00:18:02,690 Because I know that if I don't, it'll become a stronghold, 398 00:18:02,690 --> 00:18:06,750 and become much -- it's never easier than instantly 399 00:18:06,750 --> 00:18:08,570 when the Holy Spirit convicts you. 400 00:18:08,570 --> 00:18:10,170 Say, "God, I'm sorry." 401 00:18:10,750 --> 00:18:15,600 But if you just ignore it, it can grow like a cancer. 402 00:18:16,420 --> 00:18:18,800 And sin grows like a cancer. 403 00:18:18,800 --> 00:18:23,680 And there are many of you that have never entered into heaven, 404 00:18:23,680 --> 00:18:25,320 forgiveness of your sin, 405 00:18:25,880 --> 00:18:29,210 not just forgiveness under the new covenant, God says, 406 00:18:29,210 --> 00:18:32,680 "I, God, will not only forgive you, 407 00:18:32,680 --> 00:18:36,850 but I, God, will remember your sins no more." 408 00:18:37,660 --> 00:18:40,510 That is -- only God could do that. 409 00:18:40,510 --> 00:18:44,500 Say this prayer, mean it to the best of your ability. 410 00:18:44,500 --> 00:18:48,390 It's time for you to enter in all the way. 411 00:18:48,390 --> 00:18:50,750 Repeat it out loud after I speak. 412 00:18:50,750 --> 00:18:51,990 [Music] 413 00:18:51,990 --> 00:18:53,590 SR: Dear God- >> Dear God- 414 00:18:54,240 --> 00:18:55,520 SR: Please forgive me- 415 00:18:55,520 --> 00:18:56,750 >> Please forgive me- 416 00:18:56,750 --> 00:18:59,050 SR: For every sin I've ever committed. 417 00:18:59,050 --> 00:19:00,650 >> For every sin I've ever committed. 418 00:19:00,650 --> 00:19:01,850 SR: I believe- 419 00:19:01,850 --> 00:19:03,830 >> I believe- SR: - Your blood- 420 00:19:03,830 --> 00:19:06,650 >> - Your blood- SR: - washed me clean. 421 00:19:06,650 --> 00:19:09,630 >> - washed me clean. SR: And now that I'm clean- 422 00:19:09,630 --> 00:19:11,990 >> And now that I'm clean- SR: - because of what You did- 423 00:19:11,990 --> 00:19:13,330 >> - because of what you did- SR: - for me- 424 00:19:13,330 --> 00:19:14,560 >> - for me- 425 00:19:14,560 --> 00:19:15,930 SR: - Jesus, come and live inside of me. 426 00:19:15,930 --> 00:19:17,700 >> - Jesus, come and live inside of me. 427 00:19:17,700 --> 00:19:19,550 SR: Thank You for saving me from my sins. 428 00:19:20,160 --> 00:19:23,270 >> Thank You for saving me from my sins. 429 00:19:23,270 --> 00:19:25,280 SR: And now I make You Lord- 430 00:19:25,280 --> 00:19:26,850 >> And now I make You Lord- 431 00:19:26,850 --> 00:19:29,190 SR: - over every area of my life. 432 00:19:29,190 --> 00:19:31,660 >> - over every area of my life. 433 00:19:34,460 --> 00:19:36,060 SR: Amen. >> Amen. 434 00:19:36,630 --> 00:19:39,500 SR: Mike, you had the most supernatural, 435 00:19:39,500 --> 00:19:43,920 amazing encounter at Niagara Falls. 436 00:19:43,920 --> 00:19:46,680 MB: So years ago, early '90s, 437 00:19:46,680 --> 00:19:49,220 I'm at Niagara Falls with our older daughter, 438 00:19:49,220 --> 00:19:52,530 Jennifer, a young girl at that point, young teenager. 439 00:19:52,530 --> 00:19:54,660 So we're there together at the Falls, 440 00:19:54,660 --> 00:19:56,380 we're on the Canadian side of the Falls, 441 00:19:56,380 --> 00:19:57,930 it's just absolutely stunning. 442 00:19:57,930 --> 00:20:00,980 So as we were walking towards the Falls, 443 00:20:00,980 --> 00:20:03,640 I see just kind of, you know, the water running down there, 444 00:20:03,640 --> 00:20:07,860 and I thought, that's a picture of normal church life, you know? 445 00:20:07,860 --> 00:20:11,280 It's good -- okay, as you get closer, it starts to -- 446 00:20:11,280 --> 00:20:13,950 you know, there are rapids, and it starts to intensify. 447 00:20:13,950 --> 00:20:17,660 And I thought, that's what most people would call "revival." 448 00:20:17,660 --> 00:20:20,320 That's just the thing starting to get more intense. 449 00:20:20,320 --> 00:20:21,780 But that's not revival yet. 450 00:20:21,780 --> 00:20:23,890 I just had this sense that Niagara Falls 451 00:20:23,890 --> 00:20:25,400 was like a picture of revival. 452 00:20:25,400 --> 00:20:28,240 So as we got close, it's just staggering, overwhelming. 453 00:20:28,240 --> 00:20:32,600 I said, "No, no, no, I want to experience the Falls for myself." 454 00:20:32,600 --> 00:20:34,120 So I went with Jen. 455 00:20:34,120 --> 00:20:36,230 You get these jackets, these yellow jackets -- 456 00:20:36,230 --> 00:20:37,450 SR: I've done the same. 457 00:20:37,450 --> 00:20:38,930 MB: -- okay, and this case, 458 00:20:38,930 --> 00:20:41,500 we walk and stand under the Falls. 459 00:20:41,500 --> 00:20:44,370 So the water's pounding and churning, 460 00:20:44,370 --> 00:20:47,930 and the wind is blowing -- it's overwhelming. 461 00:20:47,930 --> 00:20:50,170 And all I could do is raise my hands in worship, 462 00:20:50,170 --> 00:20:53,840 and I thought, that is a picture of revival. 463 00:20:53,840 --> 00:20:57,230 I wrote a book that came out three months before Brownsville. 464 00:20:57,230 --> 00:20:58,920 Three months before the revival, 465 00:20:58,920 --> 00:21:01,370 I shared that picture of Niagara Falls. 466 00:21:01,370 --> 00:21:06,220 I said, "That is a picture of revival. Are you ready?" 467 00:21:06,220 --> 00:21:08,280 I knew it was about to hit. 468 00:21:08,280 --> 00:21:11,320 And Sid, we are in the early stages 469 00:21:11,320 --> 00:21:12,860 now of the Holy Spirit 470 00:21:12,860 --> 00:21:15,640 beginning to pour out in a fresh way in America, 471 00:21:15,640 --> 00:21:18,200 but it's not just going to be a Brownsville or a Toronto -- 472 00:21:18,200 --> 00:21:22,280 there will be thousands of places where the fire falls, 473 00:21:22,280 --> 00:21:25,090 and we must seize the moment when it happens. 474 00:21:25,090 --> 00:21:26,340 [Applause] 475 00:21:26,340 --> 00:21:28,170 SR: You know, Mike, 476 00:21:28,170 --> 00:21:29,940 interesting enough, 477 00:21:29,940 --> 00:21:31,385 I had a vision 478 00:21:31,385 --> 00:21:32,830 about Niagara Falls also, 479 00:21:33,450 --> 00:21:37,850 and in this vision, I was there by myself, 480 00:21:38,740 --> 00:21:44,670 and the mist that you described started coating me. 481 00:21:45,400 --> 00:21:49,510 And it was the light of God. It was the presence of God. 482 00:21:49,510 --> 00:21:53,780 It was the Glory of God. And many people don't know this, 483 00:21:53,780 --> 00:21:56,420 almost every day they have a rainbow there. 484 00:21:56,420 --> 00:21:57,980 What does a rainbow stand for? 485 00:21:57,980 --> 00:22:00,860 The promises of God, the covenants of God. 486 00:22:01,840 --> 00:22:07,270 So all the promises of God in that glory 487 00:22:07,270 --> 00:22:11,160 are going to be instantly unstoppable, 488 00:22:13,020 --> 00:22:18,080 amazing answers instantly. 489 00:22:18,080 --> 00:22:21,750 It's going to be different than any time you've ever -- 490 00:22:21,750 --> 00:22:25,250 or any generation has ever walked with God. 491 00:22:25,910 --> 00:22:28,420 And I'm telling you, I was there alone. 492 00:22:28,420 --> 00:22:30,020 You know what that meant? 493 00:22:30,570 --> 00:22:33,000 I can't ride on someone else's faith. 494 00:22:33,780 --> 00:22:36,020 I've got to ask for myself. 495 00:22:36,020 --> 00:22:39,460 I have to hunger and thirst for righteousness. 496 00:22:40,780 --> 00:22:45,364 Mike, I want you to turn around and look at this right now. 497 00:22:45,531 --> 00:22:48,267 [Sound, view of Niagara Falls.] 498 00:22:53,030 --> 00:22:54,630 You know, Mike, 499 00:22:56,860 --> 00:22:59,570 I don't know how many years this has been going on, 500 00:22:59,570 --> 00:23:04,210 but imagine the unlimited power for this to never stop? 501 00:23:04,210 --> 00:23:06,820 It just keeps going on, what we're seeing right now. 502 00:23:08,190 --> 00:23:09,680 That's what's coming. 503 00:23:09,680 --> 00:23:12,770 The unlimited, unstoppable Power of God. 504 00:23:13,580 --> 00:23:14,960 [Clapping] MB: Sid, 505 00:23:14,960 --> 00:23:17,230 what else is going to get the job done? 506 00:23:17,960 --> 00:23:22,630 How else will two billion Muslims turn to Jesus? 507 00:23:22,630 --> 00:23:27,450 How else will Israel be saved? How else will America be shaken? 508 00:23:27,450 --> 00:23:32,230 There has to be a greater, sustained move of God 509 00:23:32,230 --> 00:23:35,870 with intensity, with rapidity, than we've ever seen. 510 00:23:35,870 --> 00:23:38,650 And as I sit -- I mean, obviously we're not at the Falls, 511 00:23:38,650 --> 00:23:41,140 but it's stirred -- boy, does it stir the memories. 512 00:23:41,140 --> 00:23:42,840 And you know, it reminds me again, 513 00:23:43,650 --> 00:23:45,270 every day we have to live as disciples. 514 00:23:45,270 --> 00:23:46,800 Every day we do the little things. 515 00:23:46,800 --> 00:23:51,440 Every day the mom's changing a diaper and dad's busy doing -- 516 00:23:51,440 --> 00:23:54,280 we do our daily work. The church is doing the work 517 00:23:54,280 --> 00:23:55,740 the disciples should do day by day. 518 00:23:55,740 --> 00:23:59,450 But Sid, when we have experienced the glory, 519 00:23:59,450 --> 00:24:01,060 when we've been under those Falls, 520 00:24:01,060 --> 00:24:03,790 so to say, how can we live without it? 521 00:24:03,790 --> 00:24:06,220 How can we just go back to normal church life, 522 00:24:06,220 --> 00:24:08,090 those of us who've tasted it and seen it? 523 00:24:08,090 --> 00:24:09,860 And those who've just heard about it. 524 00:24:09,860 --> 00:24:13,340 They read about Brownsville like I read about the Welsh Revival. 525 00:24:13,340 --> 00:24:15,790 I want to shout to everyone, "It's real!" 526 00:24:15,790 --> 00:24:20,060 It's the nature of God. It's the reality of God. And what 527 00:24:20,060 --> 00:24:23,360 He wants to do is the thing that's been abnormal, 528 00:24:23,360 --> 00:24:26,930 that's been exceptional -- He wants that to be the norm. 529 00:24:26,930 --> 00:24:31,380 He wants that to be the climactic thing before He returns. 530 00:24:31,380 --> 00:24:33,780 Why not now? Why not here? 531 00:24:33,780 --> 00:24:36,360 Why not something greater than we've ever seen? 532 00:24:36,360 --> 00:24:38,720 Does God not have the ability? He does. 533 00:24:38,720 --> 00:24:42,010 Does God not have the desire? He does. How about us? 534 00:24:42,010 --> 00:24:44,590 Hungering and thirsting until the answer comes. 535 00:24:44,590 --> 00:24:49,160 SR: You said something -- "Why not now? Why not here?" 536 00:24:49,160 --> 00:24:53,040 Would you pray for us? So it is now! 537 00:24:53,040 --> 00:24:54,360 MB: Yes. SR: It is here! 538 00:24:54,360 --> 00:24:56,730 MB: Yes. Father, right now, 539 00:24:56,730 --> 00:24:58,960 [Music] I pray for every single one watching. 540 00:24:59,530 --> 00:25:04,090 May there be a hunger, a thirst, a desire, a passion, 541 00:25:04,090 --> 00:25:06,010 the likes of which they've never known. 542 00:25:06,010 --> 00:25:08,940 May they have a cry that comes from the depth of their being. 543 00:25:08,940 --> 00:25:12,780 God, visit me now. God, send the fire now. 544 00:25:12,780 --> 00:25:16,570 God, change me now. God, send Your glory now, 545 00:25:16,570 --> 00:25:19,350 for Your honor, for the sake of a dying world, 546 00:25:19,350 --> 00:25:21,680 for the exaltation of the Name of Jesus. 547 00:25:21,680 --> 00:25:25,240 For the salvation of the Jewish people here and now, 548 00:25:25,240 --> 00:25:28,870 start with me. I ask it in Jesus' Name, Amen. 549 00:25:29,690 --> 00:25:33,810 SR: You live a holy life, 550 00:25:33,810 --> 00:25:37,200 God says, "Be holy, for I am holy." 551 00:25:38,230 --> 00:25:43,100 Instant, instant, instant repentance. Got it? 552 00:25:43,100 --> 00:25:46,450 [Applause] 553 00:25:46,450 --> 00:25:50,300 [Music] 554 00:25:50,300 --> 00:25:52,010 MB: "Revival or We Die: 555 00:25:52,010 --> 00:25:54,120 A Great Awakening is Our Only Hope." 556 00:25:54,120 --> 00:25:59,720 This is the most important book I wrote on revival in 25 years. 557 00:25:59,720 --> 00:26:01,520 It does ignite something in you. 558 00:26:01,520 --> 00:26:04,690 It'll give you a vision of what revival looks like, 559 00:26:04,690 --> 00:26:06,460 what it's like to experience it. 560 00:26:06,460 --> 00:26:09,880 We take you into past revivals. From the Brownsville Revival, 561 00:26:09,880 --> 00:26:12,610 where I served for four and a half years, 562 00:26:12,610 --> 00:26:15,250 from the Hebrides Revival or Welsh Revival, 563 00:26:15,250 --> 00:26:17,130 or great awakenings in the past. 564 00:26:17,130 --> 00:26:19,240 And it'll create something in you that says, 565 00:26:19,240 --> 00:26:22,500 "Oh, God, Oh Lord, do it again!" 566 00:26:22,500 --> 00:26:25,480 But it's not just a cry for national revival. 567 00:26:25,480 --> 00:26:28,320 It's a cry for God to move in our own heart. 568 00:26:28,320 --> 00:26:30,920 I opened up my own heart and I talk about times 569 00:26:30,920 --> 00:26:32,940 where I left my First Love, asked 570 00:26:32,940 --> 00:26:35,710 Him to light that fire fresh in me, 571 00:26:35,710 --> 00:26:38,710 and talk about how He visited me, and revived me. 572 00:26:38,710 --> 00:26:41,260 I'm believing with you for a fresh revival, 573 00:26:41,260 --> 00:26:44,090 for a fresh spark to start in you. 574 00:26:44,760 --> 00:26:47,270 "Our hands are stained with blood: 575 00:26:47,270 --> 00:26:50,390 The Tragic Story of the church and the Jewish people." 576 00:26:50,390 --> 00:26:52,330 This is a new, updated edition. 577 00:26:52,840 --> 00:26:56,080 This is the single most important book. 578 00:26:56,080 --> 00:26:58,760 And this had the most intense impact of any book 579 00:26:58,760 --> 00:27:00,120 that I've written. 580 00:27:00,120 --> 00:27:04,260 You will learn church history through Jewish eyes, 581 00:27:04,260 --> 00:27:06,170 the church history you never knew about. 582 00:27:06,170 --> 00:27:08,640 It's not taught from behind the pulpits. 583 00:27:08,640 --> 00:27:10,130 It will explain to you 584 00:27:10,130 --> 00:27:12,590 why there is such hatred of the Jewish people. 585 00:27:12,590 --> 00:27:16,430 It will explain the diabolical nature of anti-Semitism. 586 00:27:16,960 --> 00:27:20,960 It'll separate fact from fiction when it comes to Israel today. 587 00:27:20,960 --> 00:27:23,460 And then we tackle replacement theology, 588 00:27:23,460 --> 00:27:25,950 that the church has replaced the Jewish people, 589 00:27:25,950 --> 00:27:29,300 that the promises given to Israel now belong to the church, 590 00:27:29,300 --> 00:27:33,160 and that God is finished with Israel as a nation. 591 00:27:33,160 --> 00:27:37,970 But we will not see a saved Israel without a revived church. 592 00:27:37,970 --> 00:27:42,930 And we end with what happens when Israel gets right with God. 593 00:27:42,930 --> 00:27:45,340 It means the return of the Messiah 594 00:27:45,340 --> 00:27:47,330 and the resurrection of the dead. 595 00:27:47,880 --> 00:27:49,910 >> To experience revival in your home, 596 00:27:49,910 --> 00:27:52,230 in your life and in your community, 597 00:27:52,230 --> 00:27:56,100 this is the essential set of two books by Dr. Michael Brown 598 00:27:56,100 --> 00:27:57,850 that will ignite the fire you need. 599 00:27:58,500 --> 00:28:03,420 Just call or go online at SidRoth.org/9980 600 00:28:03,420 --> 00:28:07,120 and make your donation of $35 to get both books, 601 00:28:07,120 --> 00:28:11,150 "Revival or We Die," and the new updated edition of, 602 00:28:11,150 --> 00:28:13,180 "Our Hands are Stained with Blood." 603 00:28:13,180 --> 00:28:15,010 Shipping and handling is included. 604 00:28:16,510 --> 00:28:29,020 [Music]